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JDelekto: Have you seen this "NuWave" stuff they're coming out with? They have an electric device which uses magnets on inductive cookware to cook things. Saw it in action, I was impressed.
Pardinuz: I see what you did there... :D
Yep, you caught me red handed. However, I am one of those people that used "word of mouth" and not just lip service. I bought a pair of them on sale, used them and they work wonderfully.

I wonder how long it took for "sliced bread" to catch on too, oh the heresy!
its a fucking animu cat
i use it because i like it

besides i AM a anthro vampire cat

i reject your reality and subsitute my own !
snowkatt: its a fucking animu cat
i use it because i like it

besides i AM a anthro vampire cat

i reject your reality and subsitute my own !
That's a good answer. I reject your attempt at excluding reality and say that you have done well playing with others'.
JDelekto: That's a good answer. I reject your attempt at excluding reality and say that you have done well playing with others'.
maybe i should turn my forum title in to that : doesnt play well with others

dont think it wil fit though

Maybe you can replace the "easily bored" with that. The "easily bored" though, makes you look like a dirty slut.

However, you and I know that's further from the truth.
On most sites I use an avatar of Karen S'jet from Homeworld. When I decided to change my avatar here (it was a Descent shield orb for a long time) I couldn't find the image I usually use for my avatar. After some Google searching I found this, and it's very similar to the Karen S'jet image I usually use, and it looks cool, so I kept it.
One of our dogs. I was away on business and the wife was outside with Annie. Annie was sitting there in the sunlight wagging her tail like mad and giving all of her attention to her mama. Wife had her camera on her, took the pic, and made my day by emailing it to me.

For what it's worth, we think Annie is a Boxer / Terrier mix. Some have said Pitbull but we think she's more like a Staffordshire. Super-sweet girl.
My uncle died and left me his beat up old Tarsus. At that time I was first mate on a cargo ship. We were delivering supplies to a small mining station when a group of Retros attacked. We escaped, but the ship was too damaged for repair so we scrapped it. With nowhere else to go, I went to Gemini sector to take my uncle's--my--new ship and begin my life as a privateer!
Sarah Jane
I love Gold!
It's a reference to a dos-era game ([url=]Ravenloft[/url]).
It's Darth Revan, from KOTOR.

He is my favorite character from any part of the star wars universe, I think he is just incredible.
All my avatars thus far have been awesome screenshots of high-octane, axle-snapping Wreckfest action,
except for the intimidating Bubba Zanetti mug I had representing in the months leading up to the new Mad Max.
Well, I wanted to use a transparent .gif, but apparently it came out as pure black, and I never bothered to change it.
Has anyone seen Gilligan's Island...?
I'll leave it at that...