lightnica: Don't worry. You gave me enough time before you posted to find an old collection CD, start up my "old games" VM and find this.
I hope I don't forget its name before someone guesses it.
Juggernaught222: Wow. I swear I have that on a floppy somewhere...
Edit: now I feel old XD Only 18 lol.
If you still have a working floppy drive, you might want to start going through those floppies.
Skreczi: There are countles StarTrek clones on the internet. If this is one of them then it will take ages to get this one correctly. Give us more hints or answer and another riddle please :)
Actually I'm pretty sure this game isn't on the internet.
I did find a scanned version of a printed catalog that mentions it. I'm debating if I should post it or not. I seem to have stumbled upon the perfect game for this contest. I'm hesitant to give it up so easily.