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BioShock Remastered, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Sonic Generations.
tfishell: The expansions for Quake 1.
How are these?
tfishell: The expansions for Quake 1.
rf9: How are these?
I started Scourge. It's basically just more Quake, so decent for pure shooting action, mostly corridor, but definitely "same"-y like Quake can feel.
Momodora RutM and Interstate 76, two amazing games on polar opposite videogame genres.
Metal Fatigue
livelock. don't hate it but there is a lot lacking. basic shit that makes me mad, like having the quit the game to upgrade your weapons and no clear indication on what ranking up even does except unlocking weapon upgrades.
I'm playing The Messenger. It's pretty cool. Starts out as a linear "8-bit" action game, then turns into a "16-bit" game, then turns into a Metroid clone in which you switch between the two styles.
I'm playing Arkham City, but I'm going to try to finally finish Elite Force II tonight. I like that it's Star Trek, but I don't like "Shooters". It feels a lot dumbed down compared to the first one - like Quake 3 with some Star Trek cut scenes.
I'm playing Vampyr as of now. Another case of a game with potential ruined by bad choices.
The Long Dark. Finally decided on a Stalker playthrough. Started in Desolation Point, loaded up on goods in Coastal Highway, and am now trying to fend off insane wolf gangs at the camp office in Mystery Lake.

Stalker mode is tough. On easy mode I'd quickly build up a huge cache of food, ammo, and meds. On Stalker mode every day is a battle. But I just tagged my first moose with a headshot, so a moose satchel will help with hauling goods. Hoping to make it 1 year in-game before a wolf or bear tears my guts out.
I played Fortnite Battle Royale on PC yesterday. My computer could barely run and I had to play it at PowerPoint level performance. I managed to get in the top 20 though (or top 10 I forgot)! I guess I'll stick to Unreal (the game) since Unreal 4 (the engine) is too epic and mega to play games for me.

SPEAKING OF WHICH, have you guys noticed a pattern with Epic Game's games? First, they made Unreal Tournament after Unreal because online multiplayer was getting popular (and that Unreal 1's mp was liked). Now, they put out Fortnite BR after Fortnite because Battle Royale was a thing. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
Post edited January 09, 2019 by Gengar78
Europa Universalis One :)
Witcher 3 and Tower of Times.
SteamWorld Dig 2 and I am very close to finish it. Sadly, it lost the charm of the first game.
Bioshock 2 Remastered.

While I didn't have any issues with the first, part two really crashes a lot. :-/