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Cyraxpt: Nah, we would be like this.
needs more fire
They shovel all the money into the next arcades. Or just booze. :D
The correct answer.... :P
Mr_Blastman: I've often wondered--what does GOG do with the money?
They'll spend it on Blackjack, hookers and coke - what else? ;o)

Here, have a look at the average day of a GOG-staffer:

Post edited August 03, 2015 by BreOl72
What does GOG do with the money?
Well, they build up and train a gigantic army for the coming war against the evil forces of Steam!!
JMich: They keep a percentage for themselves (30% or 40%) then give the rest (70% or 60%) to the publisher. Usual split is 30-70, the 40-60 is for the publishers that ask for an advance in payment, and they get less money until the advance is covered.

No blow?
tinyE: Two words: Blow and Hookers
That's three words: "blow", "and", "hookers"
Mr_Blastman: I've often wondered--what does GOG do with the money? When you pay them for an old game, where does the money go? Does GOG keep every cent or do they share it with the original author/publisher/ip-holder?

It's just been gnawing at me lately and I have to know. Does anyone know? They don't say anything about it in their FAQ?
Well, of course they need to give a cut to dvelopers, around 30% if I remember well. Than, they need to mantein servers, pay salaries, buy new hardware, probably, from time to time. And for sure something will go to CDPR too, money are needed to create videogames.
They're not using it to incentivize the Web dev team to do a good job, or a quick job. The website is bad and takes forever to swap out some of the issues for other issues.
Its financing for the end-war between Steam/Uplay/Origin, and the Freefolk.
They are bringing back to life Jon Snow. Courtesy of Doc Victor Frankenstein.
tinyE: New car, caviar, four star daydream.
...and if your head explodes with dark forebodings too, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

Oh and tinyE: leave them kids alone, ok?
Post edited August 03, 2015 by timppu
gog staff is smoking very expensive cigarettes
timppu: Just to stress, it is irrelevant who the "original author/publisher/ip-holder" is. They could already be dead for all we know. All that matters is who the current publisher/IP rights holder is, that's the one getting most of the money.

So when you e.g. buy System Shock 2 from GOG (or Steam for that matter), probably no dime is going to that poor guy who designed the levels or sound effects for the game, or designed the ending credits. Just like I am not compensated at all anymore for some product I worked on developing for some company 10 years ago, even if it was still being sold. I've already switched jobs.
To be fair, you are paid a guaranteed wage on your endeavor.

Whoever is fronting money for the game (or software in general) is gambling on speculative income once the software is finished.

In essense, you take a smaller cut off the speculative pot in exchange for income security.

That being said, I'm more a fan of smaller endeavors where people churning out the product (code, art, design, etc) are the ones directly benefiting. I do agree that in the current scheme of things, the ones footing the money, but otherwise not contributing are an unfortunate necessary dead weight. It's gambling, it's not work.

I find the notion of minimum guaranteed income intriguing as it would cut out a lot of the private money many innovators must rely on to make a living while they work on their product.
Post edited August 08, 2015 by Magnitus