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Grimoire is a pretentious, shitty game and if it happens to land on GOG - I wouldn't even have it for free.
Post edited February 08, 2019 by sanscript
koima57: But in 2019 it aged quite a lot in visuals, and the console remaster is not on pc...
tinyE: I still play the original AoE.
Do you think I'm a stickler for modern visuals? ;P
Age of Empire ? But but fully 3d games relies on their engine and those get sadly outdated with time, it is rare they hold well with years... Look at Lara triangular titties lol.

AC 2 still looks ok but many visual glitches on textures appear in my latest experience last autumn, probably an artefact of modern graphic drivers removing compatibility for some libraries in their new versions. Im an Nvidia user, aging gtx 970.
Post edited February 08, 2019 by koima57
- Counter Strike and Half-Life are overrated.
- FF7 is the most overrated FF.
I guess I'm just old. Reinstalled AC 1 and I think it looks great. I'll have to see if I can past the boredom part.
tinyE: I guess I'm just old. Reinstalled AC 1 and I think it looks great. I'll have to see if I can past the boredom part.
It looks great, but the first game problem is repetition of the mechanics... I think there are 3 main targets, if you do like one every 2 weeks it will leave you good memories, but all at once is overkill starting the second.
tinyE: I guess I'm just old. Reinstalled AC 1 and I think it looks great. I'll have to see if I can past the boredom part.
koima57: It looks great, but the first game problem is repetition of the mechanics... I think there are 3 main targets, if you do like one every 2 weeks it will leave you good memories, but all at once is overkill starting the second.
I'm gonna take that advice.
Thank you. :D
I think that Jagged Alliance: Rage! is a descent game. Maybe not exceptionally good (especially with some bugs sitll not fixed). And maybe it's not resemble main JA dilogy much. But I've beat it and have quite some fun with it.
low rated
nebulosas: - FF7 is the most overrated FF.
I'm not sure that opinion is that unpopular.

On the other hand, my opinion that FF7 is actually a *bad* game and is not worth playing is unpopular.

(By the way, the most underrated FF games are FF2 and FF5; FF5 is IMO the best in the series and FF2, while it has obvious issues, still does some interesting things (particularly with the growth system) that I wish had become more common.)
A lot of them are way too short and the AI in a good boatload are pretty crap....
nebulosas: - FF7 is the most overrated FF.
dtgreene: I'm not sure that opinion is that unpopular.

On the other hand, my opinion that FF7 is actually a *bad* game and is not worth playing is unpopular.

(By the way, the most underrated FF games are FF2 and FF5; FF5 is IMO the best in the series and FF2, while it has obvious issues, still does some interesting things (particularly with the growth system) that I wish had become more common.)
Hmmm FF2 was too easy to exploit, hitting your own characters... FF5 jobs were cool to play but i found the story unappealing after the epic fourth with plenty of characters come and go, 3 world maps, dramatic sequences....

FF7... It's an opinion as another to say the game is bad, but it is a fact for its time it had huge content and awesome technology, much like FFX can be argued about anything but fact remain those two were kings on their home platforms, by that i mean for consoles with limited resources they are /were sprawling experiences with crazy good production values.
low rated
koima57: Hmmm FF2 was too easy to exploit, hitting your own characters... FF5 jobs were cool to play but i found the story unappealing after the epic fourth with plenty of characters come and go, 3 world maps, dramatic sequences....
Hitting your own characters is not the way to go in FF2; more max HP can actually be detrimental. You might have heard about a powerful weapon (at least on certain high HP enemies) called the Blood Sword. You see, that weapon does more damage (and heals the user more) to enemies with more HP, and this extra damage is not affected by defense.

Now, it turns out that many enemies (including the final boss) have attacks that work the same way. Therefore, as your HP increases, the damage these enemies deal will *also* increase, as will the amount of healing the enemies get. Hence, with more HP, it will be harder to kill these enemies, and it will take more casts of Cure to heal that damage. Then, of course, if you win, characters with low remaining HP will get even more HP, and the cycle continues. That heavy armor you are most likely wearing (because you didn't know better) won't help, and will actually hurt you by penalizing your evasion, preventing you from avoiding these attacks.

Evasion is *very* important. Aside from the situation I just mentioned, evasion affects initiative, ambush chances, and the chance of running away. With low evasion:
* Enemies will routinely ambush you, which can get quite frustrating.
* Even once you get to enter your commands, the enemies will get *another* turn before you *finally* get to act.
* If you try to run, you are not going to succeed.
* Against those enemies, it is quite possible that you will end up with a party wipe before you *get* to act.

With high evasion:
* You will routinely ambush the enemies.
* Furthermore, you will get another round of attacks before the enemies get to act.
* If you try to run, you will succeed on the first attempt (99% chance per character, I believe), unless the battle is a formation that you can't ever run from.
* You can easily win without the enemies getting a chance to act.

In other words, you can break FF2 if you know what you're doing, but the obvious method of hitting yourself to gain HP is not that method.

As for FF4 versus FF5, I should point out that:
* Story, if you are interested in it, is only good the first playthrough. On later playthroughs, the story is no longer that entertaining. On the other hand, FF5's jobs continue to be interesting, as there are insteresting and viable setups that you probably did not use on the first playthrough.
* FF5 also has 3 world maps, or 5 if you count the two underwater maps, so there.
* Problem with characters coming and going is that, at any given point in the game, you are forced to use a specific party setup; FF5 lets you choose your setup, so different playthroughs can be different.

Edit: Why is *this* post, of all posts, "low rated"? What did I do wrong here? (If there's a mistake in this post, please point it out.)
Post edited February 10, 2019 by dtgreene
Niggles: A lot of them are way too short and the AI in a good boatload are pretty crap....
Games in general you mean? Doubt the AI part is unpopular at least. About length, fully agree with you myself. Others won't :))
@dtgreene ah, i forget about ff5 maps, it's been long i played it. Indeed it depend on playing once or many times, i personally prefere a memorable story over a game to replay often.

FF2 i had the Origins collection on playstation i remember, i used to hit my chars not for hp specially but to train accuracy and magic, but it's been more than 15 years my play of these two games...

My collection have the V on pc (but that design looks awful..) and ps classics, ff 2 on PSP for the 20th anniversary.

Overall i replayed 4 the most of all FF's but only because it was a different version; as i had the original snes then currently keep the nds remake (also on pc but not replayed it, too similar) then the psp collection. My favorite versions may be the PSP one though i liked the 3d too, difficulty was a bit too spiky though. After years... I played the 3d one on pc, not yet the psp 2d but not into it, was dispensable and didn't leave me any memory.

Other than, it seem you like the job system in those; do you have a ds or 3ds ? 4 Heroes of light you may really like.
Post edited February 08, 2019 by koima57
Final Fantasy IX is a much better game than Final Fantasy VII.

Final Fantasy VIII is a terrible game, always has been. That game repeats the unforgivable gaming sin with unskippable cutscenes in every single battle.
Shoot, I see now that many people have replied to me, but GOG didn't direct me to any of them.

Let me just add that there are some games that make fun of you for choosing easy. I can't recall the titles off hand because the ones I saw/was told about are macho chest-thumping types that don't appeal to me anyway.

The people I hang out with understand gaming's about fun. I'm still relatively new here and not as active, so I'm pleased to have found a community that understands that. <3

tinyE: The only time Easy mode ever pissed me off was StarCraft. Easy gets rid of half of the units and totally eliminates upgrading.
Funny you should mention that. I recently got Etrian Odyssey Nexus. I remembered that EO5 was actually quite difficult on Picnic, which is the easiest difficulty. At least, the battles took a tediously long time and got on my nerves. In EON, Picnic is way, way too easy... It's not right that a F.O.E. (basically a miniboss) should mostly do damage in the single digits. My medic hasn't actually done anything medical except the times I did it for variety. And the worst part is if you choose this difficulty, you're locked in it. I'm undecided whether to restart and lose progress or just carry on and blitz the story, then play again on a higher difficulty.

Cambrey: You are not alone! I love my 3DS too. I got Ever Oasis not too long ago but I haven't played it yet. Which games did you pre-order?
Ooh, Ever Oasis is a fun game! I should go back and beat it. XD The games I preordered are Etrian Odyssey Nexus, which came out a few days ago, and Persona Q2, out in June. Okay, they're basically the same style dungeon-crawler, but they're so much fun!