Posted February 03, 2015

Does that script work on Chrome? How? (Please excuse my ignorance in this matters).

1. Make your bookmarks bar visible.
2. Create a new Bookmark
3. Enter a name and instead of an URL the code (beginning with javascript:)
4. Open the FO subforum (or TW2, BG, NWN, M&M...) and click the bookmarlet to run the script.
Scripts: - This one will allow you to select spam threads and mark them. This one will preselect all threads on the current page. Careful! Be sure to deselect all legit threads before hitting that spam button!
I recommend using Firefox, since every single spam report creates an alert window. Those block Chrome, but FF allows to work on (i.e. hit F5 or CTRL-R). Haven't tested in Chrome this time, it's too unwieldy due to the alert-problem. But should work in principle.
Edit: ooo, me like! I also liked how the page went dark when the popups showed up, then slowly lightened as I started closing the "Thanks!" popups.
How bad is it that I'm a little sad that we've already managed to sap the full pages of spam? There wasn't any reason to test out the "Pre-mark page as spam" bookmarklet. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get a chance soon enough.
Post edited February 03, 2015 by Bookwyrm627