Antimateria: So is it like xcom in jrpg? =) Trailers look pretty good.
Kind of, yes, but i feel like you miss more shoots on XCom EU/EW than in VC, also, in Xcom you have to give the order to shoot back or overwatch an area when in VC it's automatically (depending of the range and what weapon they're using). Still, Xcom EU/EW is more punishing, especially with the monetary system (where to invest, losing the support of countries, etc) but VC is also hard with the combats, you can have missions with thougher enemies and time limite at the same time. I never finished VC2 because of that, the last mission was hard and i didn't had the patiente to grind, but the story was garbage (again, the teenagers academy friendship thing going on) so i didn't bother.