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So is it like xcom in jrpg? =) Trailers look pretty good.
Personally, I'm quite happy to say I lucked out on the current hostel and it seems like I'll be able to play today. At this rate the game will be ready for me to play by the time I finish work (read as, work will be over the moment the download finishes)

Antimateria: So is it like xcom in jrpg? =) Trailers look pretty good.
Check my above post, but basically soldiers are not randomly generated (and therefore have more character, but are limited in number) and the tech tree is quite weak in comparison. Other than that, expect well crafted but predefined missions instead of dynamically generated random ones.
Fever_Discordia: I... I'm not sure what I did wrong I was more asking if this is what people would think of as a 'JRPG' at all given that it doesn't have the same combat style as a lot of them, then another poster (more as a ninja than as a response) revealed that 'T-JRPG' is apparently a thing, so let's just go with that and calm down, I guess! :)
Cyraxpt: Then i apologize for my post as i misunderstand your post as one of those defense post's from the kaway-anime-troop-defense-force when you started by mentioning the anime graphics style and continued to something that i wasn't even talking about (and that is why i reacted that way).
LOL no, I'm not an anime fanboy - I find that most of it manages to be a bit creepy and boring all at the same time, to be honest!
I'll give any JRPG a go though, especially stuff that's become pretty legendary - FF, Chrono Trigger, Mother, Ys etc.
WTF??? It just restarted the download! And it's now 16.8GB instead of 16.5?

What the hell is wrong with this thing?
Antimateria: So is it like xcom in jrpg? =) Trailers look pretty good.
Kind of, yes, but i feel like you miss more shoots on XCom EU/EW than in VC, also, in Xcom you have to give the order to shoot back or overwatch an area when in VC it's automatically (depending of the range and what weapon they're using). Still, Xcom EU/EW is more punishing, especially with the monetary system (where to invest, losing the support of countries, etc) but VC is also hard with the combats, you can have missions with thougher enemies and time limite at the same time. I never finished VC2 because of that, the last mission was hard and i didn't had the patiente to grind, but the story was garbage (again, the teenagers academy friendship thing going on) so i didn't bother.
P1na: Check my above post, but basically soldiers are not randomly generated (and therefore have more character, but are limited in number) and the tech tree is quite weak in comparison. Other than that, expect well crafted but predefined missions instead of dynamically generated random ones.
Well it seems to be the same price more or less than final fantasy XIII and valkyria sounds more promising than that which I've tried. FFXIII has so different battle what i was used to in playing all those others. And xcom and divinity original sin has pretty great battles. There was that ps2 game from square where were those robots and stuff and it was pretty strategy based and i liked that game. I must google.. no wait it was some front mission if i recall right. it was great.
Cyraxpt: Snip*
I thought that had some mature line for a jrpg but nevertheless doesn't sound too bad.
Post edited November 11, 2014 by Antimateria
Cyraxpt: Snip*
Antimateria: I thought that had some mature line for a jrpg but nevertheless doesn't sound too bad.
Wait, i was talking about VC2 (Valkyria Chronicles 2), the one that was released on psp, it's the only one that does that, VC3 had a more mature story (well, it had also an unnecessary pick-one-of-the-two-girls romance going). I haven't played Valkyria Chronicles so i don't know what to expect but i think it will have a mature story (to jrpg's standards).
Cyraxpt: Wait, i was talking about VC2 (Valkyria Chronicles 2), the one that was released on psp, it's the only one that does that, VC3 had a more mature story (well, it had also an unnecessary pick-one-of-the-two-girls romance going). I haven't played Valkyria Chronicles so i don't know what to expect but i think it will have a mature story (to jrpg's standards).
It does. About the level of the 3rd game anyway, and without the dating simulator bullshit.
P1na: It does. About the level of the 3rd game anyway, and without the dating simulator bullshit.
Well, the screenshoots with the 2 characters give that away and i was already expecting romance in it, but i don't think it has the same pick one of two girls going (tomboy vs kaway)... right?
Cyraxpt: Well, the screenshoots with the 2 characters give that away and i was already expecting romance in it, but i don't think it has the same pick one of two girls going (tomboy vs kaway)... right?
That's what I meant. It does have romance, it doesn't have the "choose who you want to see in a swimsuit".
VC2 it's more in line with the usual JRPG stories. VC 1 and 3 have some great stories, as those two games are sharing the same timeframe. The VC1 is about a militia unit that will change the course of the war, the VC3 happens at the same time, but it's about a penal unit, formed by deserters, criminals and military offenders. The heroes of the VC3 are actually a suicide squad.

You could watch the anime (though the stories are not exactly identical and the anime series and OVA's are more lighthearted)
Valkyria has a romance? Awesome! =P
The one thing that annoyed me on the 3rd one (besides the very much optional grinding) is that, due to PSP limitations, it didn't have many animated cutscenes. There's this chapter when a confrontation with one of the coolest and most dangerous villains of VC1 is being built, your characters are all hyped up but you as the player know who they're dealing with (as you saw her kicking all sorts of ass on the first game) and therefore know they're doomed to fail. But it's still cool, don't get me wrong. The thing is I had expected a good, epic cutscene of your troops running for their lives, which never happened. PSP limitations. Damn, it's a pity, but fine.

And where do they put one of those hard to come by cutscenes? AT THE BEACH. Because swimsuits. Really, Japan, I like a lot of what you do, but this kind of stuff really annoys me.
Having played the first two missions just now, I'm having a blast even with the as-usual-slightly-corny dialog. They did a great job with the KB/M controls. Turning mouse sensitivity all the way up is recommended though. Otherwise the interface is pretty much exactly the same as in the PS3 version - the menu controls may be a little awkward at first, but it's no biggie - even down to the save screen which I find somewhat amusing.

Anyway, good port of a great game. It definitely was worth the pre-order - one of only two games I've ever pre-ordered on Steam.
Post edited November 11, 2014 by mistermumbles
P1na: It feels redundant to ask, but is it restricted over there?
Grargar: It is. Along with every other Sega game.
Of course. But not all SEGA games are restricted. We can buy Total War Rome 2, Company of Heroes (all of them), Football Manager 20XX and a few of the megadrive games.

I think the only reason we can buy Total War Rome 2 is because of that event they did with CoH2. It was kinda useless here as we could only buy CoH2. Many complained and shortly after that event Rome 2 was on Steam in Japan. Can't get any of the other Total War games though.

Also of note, not a single one of the available SEGA games on Steam in Japan make reference to SEGA being the publisher. It's like they don't want people to know.