Brasas: I appreciate your considerate reply. Certainly in comparison to others making similar points you are at least retaining a modicum of humility, which given the context is quite appropriate.
It is the case that most people going into politics or law are somewhat arrogant. There are exceptions though. Maybe read my links, check his wikipedia page before judging the man I guess.
You seem to me to have basically prejudged him based on the opinions and propaganda of what I can humorously call your fellow travelers of the left. Or am I wrong?
As to downvotes, imagine Mafia with anonymous voting... happy scum no? There are many other ways to make GOG forums less shitty, but disclosure of up and downvotes would go a long way.
Thank you, I don't usually bother posting in thread like this as I don't think it's worth the effort. But when I do I try my best to consider all sides of the story and listen to the points of view of everyone.
I would say my initial impression was not so much based on what others have said here, but just on the label he was given as 'right-wing' or 'conservative' as I find that 99% of the time I'm likely to disagree with and dislike anyone labelled as such (though I'm definitely left leaning, I wouldn't particularly say I was on the left as I dislike a lot of them too). That probably makes me sound quite prejudiced, but I've had enough experience of the conservatives here to know I don't agree with most people who are labelled as such.
I've done a bit more research myself, and can't say my opinion of the man has changed. It's difficult to find unbiased views (particularly in a case like this, and at the moment as there is a lot of new stuff up because of his death) but from what I can see bude and dt's opinion of him seems pretty accurate, more so than the idea that by trying to uphold the constitution as it was originally meant (an absolutely moronic argument if ever I've heard one) makes him some kind of paragon of neutrality and justice. He was a bigot and a racist and clearly not unwilling to use his power to enforce those views.
Evil? Maybe not. Thoroughly unpleasant? Yep, I'd say so.
Yeah, I agree. At least you know who's actually attacking (or supporting) who then. To be honest the fact that bude and dt were being downvoted is why I broke my rule of not getting involved in such topics; not just that they were, but that people were trying to blame it on them being happy at Scalia's death rather then the more likely truth that people were doing it because of their political beliefs or leanings. If you have a problem with something at least come out and say what you're actual problem is rather than hiding behind a thinly veiled excuse.