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This is very good news! I won't be a backer but I'll keep an eye on it's progress..
I..don't know if I should back. First of all, I need that money for something else right now, secondly I don't know if it's a game for me. Weren't the other Ultima Undergrounds more like dungeon-crawlers? It does say this one is narrative lead or something, but still, don't know...
This is confusing... i thought the next ultima was already funded back a while ago for Shroud of the Avatar, although glancing at it, it might be a MMORPG...
Backed it. But I'm not a huge fan of how the underground looks, from the screenshots and video. Hopefully it will end up being a little more unique and atmospheric than just "rocks and colored lights."
Had to back it, being a Looking Glass fan. Seems a proper good 'un if it goes to plan.
jefequeso: Backed it. But I'm not a huge fan of how the underground looks, from the screenshots and video. Hopefully it will end up being a little more unique and atmospheric than just "rocks and colored lights."
It's just a prototype. Think of it as concept art.
rtcvb32: This is confusing... i thought the next ultima was already funded back a while ago for Shroud of the Avatar, although glancing at it, it might be a MMORPG...
It is:
rtcvb32: This is confusing... i thought the next ultima was already funded back a while ago for Shroud of the Avatar, although glancing at it, it might be a MMORPG...
omega64: It is:
And that why I haven't bought it...
Reever: And that why I haven't bought it...
Hmmm.... I know it looked interesting, and i'm certain Spoony paid quite a sum to see Lord British in person (there's videos of Spoony & AngryJoe together interviewing him. It was quite interesting), along with a short animation they did showing off the stupidities of how invincible and cheap Lord British was (in the games).


Hmm seeing as it's an MMORPG, that's too bad... I'd be interested in a reboot as i loved Questron (an Ultima based clone), but we'll see...
jefequeso: Backed it. But I'm not a huge fan of how the underground looks, from the screenshots and video. Hopefully it will end up being a little more unique and atmospheric than just "rocks and colored lights."
Mrstarker: It's just a prototype. Think of it as concept art.
Yeah, I know. It's just the overall style that I'm not very enthused with. It doesn't look as evocative as even the primitive visuals of the original. It just looks like a typical fantasy cave. No real sense of claustrophobia or decay.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that what's shown is a very early prototype. Just hoping that the final product will be more atmospheric.
jefequeso: Don't get me wrong, I understand that what's shown is a very early prototype. Just hoping that the final product will be more atmospheric.
Oh for sure. You and me both. But LGS did not disappoint in this regard and I hope Otherside won't either. Tim Stellmach was the lead designer of both of the Thief games, after all.
jefequeso: Don't get me wrong, I understand that what's shown is a very early prototype. Just hoping that the final product will be more atmospheric.
Mrstarker: Oh for sure. You and me both. But LGS did not disappoint in this regard and I hope Otherside won't either. Tim Stellmach was the lead designer of both of the Thief games, after all.
Unless something terrible has happened to them over the past decade or so, I have faith that they will be able to deliver something wonderful. Both Ultima Underworld and the Thief games are basically timeless.
For me, Looking Glass were the PC game developer par excellence, and this is unquestionably the most excited I've been for any Kickstarter game project.

Ultima Underworld provided an incredible sense of being immersed into a living world. I can't wait to head back into the Abyss!
jefequeso: Unless something terrible has happened to them over the past decade or so, I have faith that they will be able to deliver something wonderful. Both Ultima Underworld and the Thief games are basically timeless.
Just a heads up, Chris Siegel, the lead producer had this to say over at Otherside forums:
We have learned over the years as developers to concentrate on game first, looks second.
I'm pretty confident in saying the game will look 10x better than the pre-alpha footage.
We understand that looks matter, and we will put up something soon that shows off what we *think* the final game may look like.
Mrstarker: Just a heads up, Chris Siegel, the lead producer had this to say over at Otherside forums:

We have learned over the years as developers to concentrate on game first, looks second.
I'm pretty confident in saying the game will look 10x better than the pre-alpha footage.
We understand that looks matter, and we will put up something soon that shows off what we *think* the final game may look like.
I'm afraid a lot of people can't understand that. Sadly, I've seen plenty of criticism towards the graphics and I think it shows in the success of the kickstarter so far. I expected it to get funded at a much faster pace by now.