Matewis: [...] His 'WTF is .. ?' videos are great fun to watch, even if sometimes a bit on the long side. [...]
Almost all his videos are on the long side, and more than just a bit; I would say the "WTF Is..." series are some of the
least egregious offenders in that regard, if for no other reason than that they were actually showing him playing a game while he bloviated. I respect him (more or less), and like a lot of his stuff (including that
Terraria LP with Jesse Cox), but I tend to avoid most of his videos where he's just talking about a topic, rather than playing something while talking, because he just keeps repeating a lot of the same things over and over and over throughout the video, so what should've been a 5- or 10-minute video becomes 20 to 40 minutes (or longer!). He clearly loves the sound of his own voice just a bit too much. (I'm sure a good part of it has to do with behind-the-scenes YouTube stuff, such as the recommendation algorithm preferring longer videos or something, but I don't really care about that if it results in videos being pointlessly padded out.)
Much of this goes for Jim Sterling as well, except that 1.) he's far less pleasant to listen to (and not just because of the incessant swearing and borderline histrionics), and 2.) he makes us look at him as well.