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I throw a flying squirrel which catches and chews on the paper airplane.
^ throws acorns
^ *throws hayseeds*
^ throws some rotten tomatoes
In my pelting, I'm overcome with despair that my jokes don't land and throw my hands up in protest.
^ *throws a warning* You're in BLM land now!

(Bureau of Land Management)
^ throws Sim City at you.

There, go take care of that place & manage it.
^ *throws Kynseed at you. Now you do the same with this!
I paradoxically pick up an entire island that's made of my One Weakness and throw it into the Sun, which is my lazy go-to solution to everything.
^ *throws the hope that your one weakness is a vast quantity of pure Hydrogen*
I throw the explanation that I'm describing the stupid ending to Superman Returns.
^ I throw the entirety of the DC Universe back at you. I can never forget that they "killed off" Superman, so he is forever dead to me and now I am a Marvel fan.
I throw One More Day at Hooyaah to reassure him that both major comic universes are tainted with cursed bullshit.
^ *throws a point in fact: When humans are involved, whatever they "touch" becomes tainted with bovine feces*
I throw a protest with the chant, "Hey man, don't lump the rest of us in with what's done by...most people."