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*throws a trojan at the one who murdered the poor worm*
As a weird person, I chose to interpret "trojan" as all 4 definitions I know of at once. A trojan program compels the technologically advanced trojan horse to open the door prematurely, revealing the small army of Trojans all wearing Trojan condoms. I throw shuriken at their crotches.
In response, I take a Mobius strip, one that the shuriken didn't cut, and I color one side of it red and the other side blue. I then throw that Mobius strip back at the above user.
I build a Mario Kart out of Lego and throw it onto the mobius strip to use it as a Hot Wheels-style track.
I tell Nintendo and Mattel to send delist and desist to Lego for this above post infringing on Hot Wheels and Mario Kart and I throw these Legal Papers at ^,

My one-liner thrown ^: "You have been served!"
I throw this inquiry to MysterD: Even if that had the slightest hint of legal standing, what compelled you to think I was making money off that stunt?
I build a Klein bottle, and throw the entire contents of it at the above two posters.
^ *throws an old, perfectly worn, pain of Calvin Klein jeans*
*puts the jeans into the Klein bottle, then reaches in, pulls out Hooyaah, and throws them at the above user*
*throw me and myself with the Klein Bottle at the above user*
^ throws a fireball from my staff at above said poster, proving I'm the better Wizard
^ returns the fireball in the form of a tactical nuke, proving the adage, never mess with a superior wizard nicknamed "Hooyaah"
Look out! It's a wibbly-wobbly time machine police box.
Unlike the fool before me, I actually throw the Tardis at the nuke, which leads to the end of the Universe. Oops.
^ *throws our Universe into the Multiverse; thriving in its new location, the only thing that we humans might have noticed is that the telly glitched for a few seconds*