babark: Does "pandering" mean that the authors of the media are designing it to target the broadest group of people?
No, pandering is adding in some groups to a piece of media to appeal to them to get money from them and get them to support it.
babark: For example, why do we consider, especially today, that "white male protagonist" is the default, and everything else is pandering?
[No, only if they add such things in(as said above) to make more money and appeal to people's identified group to make more money or gain good PR.
babark: If the player character isn't a white male protagonist, the developers are trying to send some sort of message?
No, not necessarily...there have been many good examples of other groups added to media in ways that isn't pandering and is done well.
babark: To me, the more important thing is storytelling, and "generic white male protagonist" is almost always more a signpost that the game is going to have a generic boring story than not. It communicates to me that the developer didn't think very deeply about the game, and just went with the "default" (in their mind).
I like varied characters as well, but also don't mind playing white guys(or women) long as the story is good.
babark: Games and other such media are a reflection of society, or the ideals of society. Formerly sidelined and minority groups are more active and present on the world-stage today, and games have been updated to refect that reality.
The problem is that too many times(as said above) they add it in because(or seemingly because) they want to make more money by appealing to said groups and tugging at their sense of identity(racial/etc).
Heck Trek has done it better(adding such groups in) over the i'm not saying it cannot be done, just that nowadays it seems to be used more and more to make a quick buck
babark: But apparently some people here want ESRB style warnings on the box "WARNING: Game contains diverse characters in major roles.
No, a warning if they add such or something else to push their own ideologies only....and I was just musing about it...other ideas could also work.
babark: PS: relating to the discussion about Norse mythology, nobody today practices the religion of the Vikings- there's no tiny group of hold-out minority asgardians in some village somewhere- they were all completely wiped out or converted. There are only neo-pagans who practice stuff that they learnt about later from what they read after the fact. And since most that we know about Norse mythology is questionable stuff that comes from a medieval Christian monk, we probably can't speak with any certainty about the details.
Interesting info to know...thanks for adding this.
babark: So if a male character has sex/kisses a female character, that's perfectly normal and nothing weird, but if they do it with a male character, it is virtue signaling?
It depends on how it's added in and why they added's not virtue signaling in all cases, of course.
rojimboo: OR it's just the character being themselves, and people reading too much into it, jumping on a hate band wagon.
Again, you have no way of knowing that a gay character was written into the story BECAUSE they wanted a token gay guy.
This seems to me to be cherry picking and cognitive dissonance to maintain your own world view.
(i.e. you seem to be afraid to contemplate if ideas you disagree with might be just toss them into the rubbish bin)
rojimboo: Just accept that they exist, and are normal.
Most accept that already.
rojimboo: YES! I DID IT!
Also, couldn't put your money where your mouth was, could ya? No example of your accusations against me? Please stop it with the slander then.
Not slander, and I could bring up examples......I just don't see the point given how you reply to me and others you disagree with.
Imo it's likely pointless arguing with one such as yourself.....who seems closed to opposing POV and seems to like insulting people and putting words in their mouths while only replying to the bits of their posts that make you look good and others not as good.
In other words, you act like a *censored* & aren't worth a serious reply unless one agrees with your POV.....whether you don't see it or do and don't care is still up for debate, though.