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GameRager: ...
I started replying to you, then I realised I would just be wasting my time.

You've demonstrated on multiple occassions you argue in bad faith, cannot be reasonably conversed with, and now seem to be really insulting to boot, for no reason. This may or may not have something to do with those psychological issues you've confessed to on several occassions on these forums, so I probably won't be wasting my time on you more than this.

Sorry (but not really).
low rated
rojimboo: I started replying to you, then I realised I would just be wasting my time.

You've demonstrated on multiple occassions you argue in bad faith, cannot be reasonably conversed with, and now seem to be really insulting to boot, for no reason.
No that would be you with me and others on multiple occasions** seem to project a lot, if I may be honest.

(Not trying to insult with that, btw, just stating how you seem to reply)

(**I have actually tried discussing issues with you in good faith several times, and you ignored most of what I said & focused on me[and not what I said] for the most part each time.

Then you often subtly mocked and poked at me, misrepresented what I said sometimes, etc....then you acted shocked when you get a reaction before going essentially "see, you're not worth talking to...I knew you were a bad egg!")

rojimboo: This may or may not have something to do with those psychological issues you've confessed to on several occassions on these forums, so I probably won't be wasting my time on you more than this.

Sorry (but not really).
Now bringing up personal details to mock me and insulting me? Yet you lectured me that one time on not offending people. What a laugh.

Plz go back to Reset Era...or move there'd be right at home there I think.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by GameRager
high rated
rojimboo: Sorry for repeating myself, but do you know what I mean? You're arguing about the non-factual/mythological accuracy of a fictional fantasy story, no less based on a comic book. That's just... well, a bit silly. They could make Asgardians teenage mutant ninja turtles, and they would still be in their right to do so. It would be a bit silly, and we'd have to invent new terms for diversity, but it still wouldn't make it right to censor fantasy writers.
Ah really it is? Asgard is part of a thousand year old mythology (has absolutely nothing to do with comics), that people actually believed in until christianity was forced on them, and some still belive in it.
Wakanda is based on a comic book from the 1960's, yet one is depicted true to the source and the other one is not.

None of the changes help, add, advance the story. The ONLY reason is the political pandering, nothing else, zilch, nada.

It is really weird how it is completely accepted that people can get upset about stories that weren't true to the source for story-reasons, as long as it concerns comics (X-men 3) or books from this or last century, but it is suddenly "silly", if people don't like part of their own culture/heritage mis-depicted just for the sole reason of pandering a completely one-sided political agenda.

So why not just turn all of Asgard into turtle heros instead and incoorparate that into the MCU-Universe? Ah yes, pandering your agenda would be much harder with turtles of course. And there would be too much backlash because it was not true to the comics from he 60's (which would be taken serously and not seen as "silly")...... See what I am getting at?

Of course there would be an easy and obvious alternative; just depict ALL the Locations, Heroes as they were being written, thought up initially. This whole story alone is one of diversity (cooperation between Wakanda, Earth and Asgard), this step was absolutely needless and serves only to piss people off. But again....pandering reasons.

My view on that is; do it, but don't expect me to fork over money for it.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by aufisch
GameRager: ...
Jesus, why did I bother.

You have on several occassions mentioned the fact that you have a mental condition when conversing with people, as an excuse to the way you say things and what you say. It's no secret. The fact that I bring it up, was not to use it as an insult, but to help everyone to understand that it might not be in their best interests to take the things you say, well, so seriously. Especially the way you come across. It was more a 'get-out-of-jail' card for you.

I now regret ever replying to you. As per usual.

Regarding the topic at hand - the reason why equality is still an issue, even in 1st world countries, is evident for everyone to see. There are disparities in almost all areas, especially in places like the US, where women, racial minorities and other minorities are at a disadvantage. This is especially relevant socio-economic-politically. I can start quoting you statistics, especially from 1st world countries where such issues are more prevalent than say in the Nordics, but something tells me it wouldn't matter regardless. That's not to say great strides have been made, but issues are still there.

What's more relevant here, is that entertainment content creators don't just introduce diversity as a means to make money (which you admitted to i.e. you agree that more people can relate to the story if it has more diversity), but because it's a reflection of their current beliefs in their current society. This goes back to my point about writers writing what they know.

But please, continue to get triggered and rage about the grave injustice that hath befallen you to have black people in vidya games.
rojimboo: I think this is the best advice anyone could give in this discussion. These largely ideological viewpoints between SJWism and anti-diversity/equality/SJWism, are too often argued super confrontationally. Probably because these things matter, at least to one side.
Yes. For social, political, and/or economic minorities who face erasure and prejudice -- especially in the culture surrounding video games and SF/F -- I'd say those things really do matter.

As said so eloquently earlier -- if representation of people of color, queer people and women in video games (and other media) really does bother people, then they can enjoy, and highlight with their friends, the games (and other media) they like who don't feature these characters, or feature them in roles they find emotionally palatable.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by rampancy
aufisch: Ah really it is? Asgard is part of a thousand year old mythology (has absolutely nothing to do with comics), that people actually believed in until christianity was forced on them, and some still belive in it.
THat has nothing to do with a fictional fantasy story about a superhero comic book written loosely based on Norse mythology.
None of the changes help, add, advance the story. The ONLY reason is the political pandering, nothing else, zilch, nada.
We don't know if it was 'pandering' or trying to make the story more relatable to a wider range of audience. It could just be they picked the right person for the right job, regardless of something inconsequential as race. Does it really matter at the end of the day if the fictional character is black? You even stated the actor was extremely talented.
See what I am getting at?
Not at all. To me you're still arguing writers do not have artistic license to modify and depict stories with inconsequential changes to characters, such as appearance.
My view on that is; do it, but don't expect me to fork over money for it.
Your money is yours, just don't expect others to take your reasoning seriously.
low rated
rojimboo: You have on several occassions mentioned the fact that you have a mental condition when conversing with people, as an excuse to the way you say things and what you say. It's no secret. The fact that I bring it up, was not to use it as an insult, but to help everyone to understand that it might not be in their best interests to take the things you say, well, so seriously. Especially the way you come across. It was more a 'get-out-of-jail' card for you.
Thanks, but I don't need your help to "defend myself"....if I need to I can do it myself. It was also unneeded as it's not relevant to the topic at hand.

(Skipped a bit as it was IRL politics and don't wanna risk a time out...but I will say this: The fact that some seem to think they need to defend people like me[in games and media for example] in the first world[as if I and others cannot do it ourselves or that we even need defending] while seemingly ignoring people like me in other countries is a slightly offensive to me, tbh)

rojimboo: What's more relevant here, is that entertainment content creators don't just introduce diversity as a means to make money (which you admitted to i.e. you agree that more people can relate to the story if it has more diversity), but because it's a reflection of their current beliefs in their current society.
So you think it's coincidence they(devs and pubs) are in large numbers pandering now to what is in vogue at the moment? Really?

Many companies have always gone after various signaling methods to gain money and PR, and the gaming industry is no different.

Sure, some might do it for the right reasons, but most seem to do it or certainly do it for the money and fame.

rojimboo: But please, continue to get triggered and rage about the grave injustice that hath befallen you to have black people in vidya games.
Misrepresentation again(and strawmanning as well)....I never said such, yet you stuff words in my mouth and other people's mouths to likely prop up your side of the discussion and look good....and you then say WE are the ones arguing in bad faith.

I don't mind anything in video games like that if done not to push a message or influence people and/or to pander for a quick buck to the easily influenced.

rojimboo: We don't know if it was 'pandering' or trying to make the story more relatable to a wider range of audience. It could just be they picked the right person for the right job, regardless of something inconsequential as race.
Again, you honestly see it as coincidence that many companies ALL started to add various groups into their media all at once? Honestly?

rojimboo: Does it really matter at the end of the day if the fictional character is black? You even stated the actor was extremely talented.
No, it doesn't...but on the other side of that argument...would it matter if they were white and/or not black?


rampancy: As said so eloquently earlier -- if representation of people of color, queer people and women in video games (and other media) really does bother people, then they can enjoy, and highlight with their friends, the games (and other media) they like who don't feature these characters, or feature them in roles they find emotionally palatable.
Don't know about others, but none of that bothers me if in my media(and done well)

As I said to others here, if not done to blatantly make money off of such groups by appealing to them to get them to buy, and if such isn't used to push one message over the other to influence people through entertainment media....then I am all for it.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by GameRager
rojimboo: Regarding the topic at hand - the reason why equality is still an issue, even in 1st world countries, is evident for everyone to see. There are disparities in almost all areas, especially in places like the US, where women, racial minorities and other minorities are at a disadvantage. This is especially relevant socio-economic-politically. I can start quoting you statistics, especially from 1st world countries where such issues are more prevalent than say in the Nordics, but something tells me it wouldn't matter regardless. That's not to say great strides have been made, but issues are still there.

What's more relevant here, is that entertainment content creators don't just introduce diversity as a means to make money (which you admitted to i.e. you agree that more people can relate to the story if it has more diversity), but because it's a reflection of their current beliefs in their current society. This goes back to my point about writers writing what they know.

But please, continue to get triggered and rage about the grave injustice that hath befallen you to have black people in vidya games.
Even tough you didn't reply to me:

You don't get it do you. NOBODY has anything against having black people in movies or games. This is a really derrogative statement by you serving only to belittle those that don't agree with you, nothing else. Absolutely nobody has said that at all.
This is about the blatant, often discrimatory pandering of a political agenda in a way that distracts, or even diminishes the story of the game/movie and hence decreases the enjoyment the individual gets out of playing a game or watching a movie.

As to your equality issue: There is a world-wide inequality between poor and rich. Unfortunately this inequqality has always been there and will be really hard to overcome, as some of the underlying reasons are based on absolute basic biology (intelligence, health, looks....), while other have also do to with the individual character and upbringing of a person.
On the other hand, there actually are studies (by NGO's by the way) that clearly show that the western industrial countries are the most inclusive countries with the least inequality, while many African, Asian and South-American Countries are not only way more non-inclusive (aka racist), but in case of Africa and South-America have also have much wider inequality between rich and poor (the richest woman in the world is African).

Why don't you go and pander that? Why is that not a topic which should be injected into a couple of comic book movies, people go to ESCAPE from their real world problems?
GameRager: Don't know about others, but none of that bothers me if in my media(and done well)

As I said to others here, if not done to blatantly make money off of such groups by appealing to them to get them to buy, and if such isn't used to push one message over the other to influence people through entertainment media....then I am all for it.
Who makes the decision whether or not introducing a black guy to the story, is 'pandering' to a demographic (that seems to be dominant, why else pander to them?), or it's related to other issues, such as issues of merit or others? Who are you to make that distinction? What robust criteria are you using to determine that? Who appointed you the just jury of social justice pandering?

See what I'm getting at? If the 'just juror' is biased, then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. It's just based on bias and prejudice then.
low rated
toxicTom: (and a black Vulcan, which makes no sense, only for signalling "black people can also be brilliant minds" - which nobody doubted in the first place - and is is exactly what I mean).
I actually agree with a lot of what you said, but since I care about Trek way more than I do about the twitter/youtube fueled outrage of todays Internet, I have to say I disagree here. Tuvok never felt "forced" to me, and although it migh sound strange for a long time it hasn't even occured to me that he's black. Tim Russ did such an excellent job with the role, playing a "full" Vulcan and still subtly giving him a lot of heart and charisma, I think it really is a case of colorblind casting of the right actor, rather than any kind of "signalling". And unlike what Netflix did with the Witcher, it's at worst a very minor infraction on any canon, hardly worse than how the appearance of Klingons or Trills changed between series, and does not undermine the show's themes in any way.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by Breja
low rated
Post edited May 30, 2020 by GameRager
rojimboo: Your money is yours, just don't expect others to take your reasoning seriously.
If is your right to not take me and the feelings of all the other people seriously and belittle us. But don't expect us to finance you and your political agenda in the future. Just know that there is a growing part of the population that will turn their back on you the more this stuff is showed down our throats

Go woke, get broke is an issue (not for the MCU, but in the gaming industry). That is all I have to say to you.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by aufisch
aufisch: You don't get it do you. NOBODY has anything against having black people in movies or games.
You literally argued not long ago that having a Norse god be acted out by a black actor, was contrary to your beliefs and enjoyment of the movie.
This is about the blatant, often discrimatory pandering of a political agenda in a way that distracts, or even diminishes the story of the game/movie and hence decreases the enjoyment the individual gets out of playing a game or watching a movie.
This is only an issue if race matters to you, to a large degree. Which says more about you than anything else.
some of the underlying reasons are based on absolute basic biology (intelligence, health, looks....), while other have also do to with the individual character and upbringing of a person.
Yes, yes, and race science is valid, blah blah, tell us more about your beliefs.

By the way, we won't ever see eye to eye, but you might want to stop taking what I say out of context when I replied to someone else regarding something else, and then arguing those points as if I meant something else. That long sentence probably didn't make sense, but you get the jist of it.
low rated
rojimboo: Who makes the decision whether or not introducing a black guy to the story, is 'pandering' to a demographic (that seems to be dominant, why else pander to them?), or it's related to other issues, such as issues of merit or others?
No one person, but anyone with a brain that uses it(this is not meant as a dig btw) can see if and when it's done in the more obvious cases. Like changing a white male character to a minority or lgbt out of the blue in current year seems to be done usually for those reasons(pandering).

rojimboo: Who are you to make that distinction? What robust criteria are you using to determine that? Who appointed you the just jury of social justice pandering?
No one....but I am part of the groups such people defend....I would think I should at least be able to have some say(at least in discussions online) in this matter.

rojimboo: See what I'm getting at? If the 'just juror' is biased, then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. It's just based on bias and prejudice then.
I never said or inferred people needed to judge stuff(like whether it gets made or not).
high rated
toxicTom: (and a black Vulcan, which makes no sense, only for signalling "black people can also be brilliant minds" - which nobody doubted in the first place - and is is exactly what I mean).
Breja: I actually agree with a lot of what you said, but since I care about Trek way more than I do about the twitter/youtube fueled outrage of todays Internet, I have to say I disagree here. Tuvok never felt "forced" to me, and although it migh sound strange for a long time it hasn't even occured to me that he's black. Tim Russ did such an excellent job with the role, playing a "full" Vulcan and still subtly giving him a lot of heart and charisma, I think it really is a case of colorblind casting of the right actor, rather than any kind of "signalling". And unlike what Netflix did with the Witcher, it's at worst a very minor infraction on any canon, hardly worse than how the appeariance of Klingons or Trills changed between series, and does not undermine the show's themes in any way.
Yea, I tend to agree with that as well. I never got the feeling that Tuvok was forced. I was more like; "oh, the Vulkans have races too"