rojimboo: You have on several occassions mentioned the fact that you have a mental condition when conversing with people, as an excuse to the way you say things and what you say. It's no secret. The fact that I bring it up, was not to use it as an insult, but to help everyone to understand that it might not be in their best interests to take the things you say, well, so seriously. Especially the way you come across. It was more a 'get-out-of-jail' card for you.
Thanks, but I don't need your help to "defend myself"....if I need to I can do it myself. It was also unneeded as it's not relevant to the topic at hand.
(Skipped a bit as it was IRL politics and don't wanna risk a time out...but I will say this: The fact that some seem to think they need to defend people like me[
in games and media for example] in the first world[as if I and others cannot do it ourselves or that we even need defending] while seemingly ignoring people like me in other countries is a slightly offensive to me, tbh)
rojimboo: What's more relevant here, is that entertainment content creators don't just introduce diversity as a means to make money (which you admitted to i.e. you agree that more people can relate to the story if it has more diversity), but because it's a reflection of their current beliefs in their current society.
So you think it's coincidence they(devs and pubs) are in large numbers pandering now to what is in vogue at the moment? Really?
Many companies have always gone after various signaling methods to gain money and PR, and the gaming industry is no different.
Sure, some might do it for the right reasons, but most seem to do it or certainly do it for the money and fame.
rojimboo: But please, continue to get triggered and rage about the grave injustice that hath befallen you to have black people in vidya games.
Misrepresentation again(
and strawmanning as well)....I never said such, yet you stuff words in my mouth and other people's mouths to likely prop up your side of the discussion and look good....and you then say WE are the ones arguing in bad faith.
I don't mind anything in video games like that if done not to push a message or influence people and/or to pander for a quick buck to the easily influenced.
rojimboo: We don't know if it was 'pandering' or trying to make the story more relatable to a wider range of audience. It could just be they picked the right person for the right job, regardless of something inconsequential as race.
Again, you honestly see it as coincidence that many companies ALL started to add various groups into their media all at once? Honestly?
rojimboo: Does it really matter at the end of the day if the fictional character is black? You even stated the actor was extremely talented.
No, it doesn't...but on the other side of that argument...would it matter if they were white and/or not black?
rampancy: As said so eloquently earlier -- if representation of people of color, queer people and women in video games (and other media) really does bother people, then they can enjoy, and highlight with their friends, the games (and other media) they like who don't feature these characters, or feature them in roles they find emotionally palatable.
Don't know about others, but none of that bothers me if in my media(and done well)
As I said to others here, if not done to blatantly make money off of such groups by appealing to them to get them to buy, and if such isn't used to push one message over the other to influence people through entertainment media....then I am all for it.