Posted May 30, 2020
Oh. But it is.
Oh. But you didn't.
GameRager: ......I just don't see the point given how you reply to me and others you disagree with.
It's also imo pointless arguing with one such as yourself, who seems closed to opposing POV and likes to insult people and put words in their mouths while only replying to the bits of their posts that make you look good and them not as other words, you act like a *censored* & aren't worth replying to unless one agrees with your POV.....whether you don't see it or do and don't care is still up for debate, though. Text book ad hominem <--------------------------- That's an accurate use of a logical fallacy btw.
You need to back up what you say, if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise, you're just hurt that someone disagreed with you, in this terrible, terrible world.
If you can't quote examples, please stop slandering me and lying about me.
Oh. But you didn't.

It's also imo pointless arguing with one such as yourself, who seems closed to opposing POV and likes to insult people and put words in their mouths while only replying to the bits of their posts that make you look good and them not as other words, you act like a *censored* & aren't worth replying to unless one agrees with your POV.....whether you don't see it or do and don't care is still up for debate, though.
You need to back up what you say, if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise, you're just hurt that someone disagreed with you, in this terrible, terrible world.
If you can't quote examples, please stop slandering me and lying about me.