Jigby: The installer works fine on Win10 with win98 compatibility flag and run as administrator flag. Don't install DirectX3 during the setup, obviously. If you get glitchy graphics, use a directx wrapper (extract into the game folder with the game .exe) ->
https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/releases I was in a particularly "debuggy" mood (given how obnoxious this one laptop I'm fixing is being!) and thought to myself "how can I make this more convenient?" Step 1: Don't use compatibility mode for the actual game. Step 2: Use this PowerShell script I made.
mount-diskimage -imagepath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Springfield\Virtual Springfield.iso"
start-process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Springfield\VIRTUAL.EXE" -wait
dismount-diskimage -imagepath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Springfield\Virtual Springfield.iso"
Because Windows is weird about running PowerShell scripts, I used this batch file to run my script.
powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Springfield\Launcher.ps1"
Of course, if you have a CD (or a crack I couldn't find) there's no need for this. And it goes without saying to point to your own install and iso pathnames, you lummox. :P