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- No, GOG, no more contests, I have already got too many games to play!

Do YOU want to win a bundle of games worth over 400 DOLLARS??? Now you can! All you have to do is simply answer the following question:

What is your favorite video game secret/easter egg?

We will pick 10 of the most interesting entries and reward them! Read the full rules here and make sure not to miss the deadline - you have only got time until September 9th, 3 PM UTC.
Post edited September 04, 2022 by Clownski_
I'd have to say it's this. Not quite an Easter egg or secret (more like a test room) but hearing Todd Howard's legendary voice acting inside my favorite Elder Scrolls game is absolutely priceless.
Mancomb from Witcher 3: Blood n Wine.

I mean, by the few seconds it took me to do the "math", Man(Guy)comb(brush), I literly couldn't stop laughing with this guy. I was hanging around aimlessly just to interact with him.

The best tribute of Monkey Island I've ever played.
Competition: “What is your favorite video game secret/easter egg?”

This was not an easy pick as there are so many brilliant things to choose from, especially as my two very favorite game series, Dragon Age and Mass Effect are both full of them, often with references to each other. The one I chose for this event is, however, one that I did not actually find myself, my ex-boyfriend did, but when he did, it truthfully made me laugh so hard I almost wet my pants.

My favourite secret/easter egg: The updated ending option in Mass Effect 3, where, if you, getting impatient, during the last dialog, draw your weapon and shoot at the entity, now counts as an ending choice and trickers an, mostly likely unintended and unwanted, ending sequance.

In the original version, nothing happened when you shot the thing and the look of horror, desperation and frustartion along with the yelling and moaning and some rather faul languge when he realized he'd have to play to the whole Earth bit again because now his actions had concequences, was absolutely prizeless to witness.
Post edited September 05, 2022 by nanienne
I like in Skyrim without mod option where you can play as vampire, werewolf and dawnguard at the same time
I don't remember all the details.

In the first Gothic, inside a tower on the ridge near swamp camp there was a magician skeleton carrying a book.
When looted, the book was a cryptic journal that would put you on a chase around the map to find other journals.

If I remember correctly it is connected to an easter egg in Gothic 2, if you manage to get over the orc wall there was a message on a signpost signed "The Alien Dwarf", and I recall it being signed in the first book found on that skeleton magician in the first Gothic,

Never found them all, with no access to the internet to find answer, and so it always remained something that stuck with me, since I couldn't find everything and a friend of mine didn't even believe it existed and that I had invented it.

All the sense of mistery it inspired is what makes it my favourite.
Post edited September 05, 2022 by ferro1st
In Limbo, the achievements are literal glowing translucent eggs. Each one takes some creativity and skill to acquire and they make this fabulously gross "schklrrkklrk" noise of an egg cracking open when you collect them.

The very first one in the game is in the very beginning, with the achievement named "Wrong Way." As soon as you begin, you're facing right, like most 2D platformers. If you venture left, you find the first mysterious egg. Stepping onto it, you hear that gross crackling noise earned an achievement! All for the notion of going left in a platformer instead of right like always, I love it! Every time I replay Limbo, I get that egg just because I know it's there and it's always a neat surprise when I show it to my friends.
I think one of my favorite easter eggs has to be the Indiana Jones easter egg in fallout new vegas where you find a skeletong and indie's hat inside a fridge if you have the wild wasteland perk.
"It's a long way down"
Such simple phrase, but have a very big value and its own history.

This small Easter Egg could be found in Dishonored 2, in the The Clockwork Mansion, when Corvo (not Emily!) was climbing the pipes outside of the mansion.
Originally, we can hear this phrase from the main character of Thief: Dark Project (or Thief Gold) - Garrett, almost at the beginning of "Down in the Bonehoard" mission.

I would say there are several reasons, why this Easter Egg is great:
- Dishonored and Thief have much common things - stealth-action, with unique world, magic and technology. Dishonored used Thief DNA as a base and it would be really strange, if they will not use Thief as reference. Actually in 1st Dishonored, there is another reference to Thief training mission, in the Daud's lair.
- Garrett and Corvo are voiced by the same actor - Stephen Russell.
- The Clockwork Mansion was designed by Dana Nightingale. Now she is a Campaign Director at Arkane Lyon studio. But back than in 2000s, before working in Arcane Studio, she was a Digital Nightfall - very active member of TTLG community (central hub of Thief modding). Back then, she created a really solid Thief Fan Missions, which even now could be counted as classics.
- In one of the Thief podcasts, she actually provided the story how that phrase appears in Dishonored 2 (search on YouTube for that podcast: 30 DANA NIGHTINGALE / Digital Nightfall f. SKACKY & FIREMAGE).

It was a good warm feeling of nostalgy, when I first hear that phrase in Dishonored 2.
Unfortunately, such things happens only once.

P.S.: Let's see what Thief Easter Eggs will be hidden in Gloomwood.
Dillon Rogers, what surpises you will create for us?
Post edited September 05, 2022 by serg_kundel
Not a very hard one to find and quite obvious, but I really loved the inclusion of a 'nightmare' level when going to sleep on a matress in the safe house in Wolfenstein the New Order.
You are transported into the first level of Wolfenstein 3D and have to relive the assault on the Nazi HQ through B.J.'s PTSD.

It's a wonderful callback to the game's roots, implying some continuity and a showcase of how much games have progressed an how much inspiration the new games take from the old ones.
Adding to this was my total surprise in finding this, which is one of the most important elements to a good ester egg for me!<3
The Dopefish and other images hidden throughout the Quake games.

The "Dopefish" appears in all first 3 quake games, hidden in different places. This is a running gag from Commander Keen where the dopefish was first featured.

Other images are hidden throughout quakes levels, some you have to turn on noclip to find. Was always fun clipping around the maps looking for things the developers had hidden, and it gave you a great insight into how the levels were developed.

Thanks for all the fun times id.

avatar - No, GOG, no more contests, I have already got too many games to play!

Do YOU want to win a bundle of games worth over 400 DOLLARS??? Now you can! All you have to do is simply answer the following question:

What is your favorite video game secret/easter egg?

We will pick 10 of the most interesting entries and reward them! Read the full rules here and make sure not to miss the deadline - you have only got time until September 9th, 3 PM UTC.
My favourite easter egg appears in 'The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night' on the GBA,

In a specific room in the first level of the game, there is an extremely small chance of a small chicken spawning.
It doesn't do much apart from peck at the ground, and if you touch it, it simply explodes in a harmless fireball.

Totally pointless, but amusing.
I love this one:
Control | Crazy Dr. Darling | Dynamite

Spoiler alert!
Dead Space secret is one of my favourites. First letter of each chapter spells it.
1: New Arrivals
2: Intensive Care
3: Course Correction
4: Obliteration Imminent
5: Lethal Devotion
6: Environmental Hazard
7: Into the Void
8: Search and Rescue
9: Dead on Arrival
10: End of Days
11: Alternate Solutions
12: Dead Space
The Witcher 3 Weeping Angels - Doctor Who Easter Egg
100% has to be the double rainbows easter egg in Borderlands 2, easily one of the funniest moments in gaming (possibly down to how much i loved the original video its based off)