There's likely something else that I'm forgetting, but right now I'd say The Witcher 2. It's not a bad game by any means, but it's so very different from the first one (which is one of my favorite if not the favorite RPG), and pretty much every change other than the graphics was for the worst. I was really shocked when I first started playing it, to the point where I pretty much rage quit after the prologue and took a few days to give it another go with an open mind.
I really hate how much more console-like tha game became, how the character progression got simplified, how the combat was now just a console-ish slasher, how alchemy became next to useless, and, while the story is still ok, it feels much more like any generic grim medieval fantasy and not nearly as close to the spirit and mood of the books as the first one. I used to call it Witcher 2: The Quickening, in "honor" of the infamous Highlander sequel, I was so dismayed with it all at first. After pushing myself to play the whole thing, and accepting that it isn't really a sequel to the first game in any meaningful way, I did end up enjoying it, but in a very forgettable "I guess it was alright" way.
Post edited October 12, 2018 by Breja