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A boy awakes to a shattered world.
Guided by the voice of a stranger-man.
Around he runs searching the broken land.
Constantly gathering more weapons in hand.

He finds a man left alone in the world.
He finds a woman who ran from the world.

On he climbs evermore.
Searching endlessly for the final door.
When the time comes to make a choice.
He chooses to move on with one rejoice.
Under twin suns
they stole my wife
frag Funfrock!
VanishedOne: I know the last line resists being made to scan, but I still wanted to use it:

This time I'll avoid YASD!
Like TDT will I TOE.
As prepared as I am,
I'm invinci--oh, damn!

I've only given NetHack ~twenty minutes of my time. It seems like something that I'd easily get absorbed into, but I've got too many other options to spend any time playing it.
I'm curious to know what you like most and least about it, though. Have you heard the parody song?
Sectoids huddling in the 7-11
parking lot like teenagers smoking dope
Mutons at table six order another round
of jalapeno poppers

X-com defends the American way
yarow12: I'm curious to know what you like most and least about it, though.
Like most: if you think of it, there's a good chance you can try it. NetHack laughs in the face of 3D games with invisible walls and insurmountable waist-high fences.

Like least: searching all over the place because the game has generated a level that expects me to find a secret door to reach the next staircase. That's one reason I usually play an archaeologist.; if stuck I dig downwards.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
We need more poetry
So here's a bump for you :P
She with hair so bright
Calls for me every night
I try to be strong
but It will not be long
I will open the game
and get lost all the same
This happens every time
Why does she have to be so damn fine
Paper and pen
Move and then
Write it down
Move again

Make a map
Check it well
It will get
You out of hell

Make it wrong
And you'll squeal
How frustrated
You will feel

Broken screens
Broken keys
Pencils stabbed
Into your knees

Your PC lost
In the maze
You have wasted
Three whole days

You've lost weight
Your acne's grown
You have thoughts
Not quite your own

Close your eyes
You only see
The maze extending
To Eternity...
misteryo: I jump
Head bumps
I run
Get gunned
I walk
Door locked
I fight
Get wiped
I try
I try
I try
I die
I like this one a lot :)
Two poems I already posted elsewhere:

Bitter betrayal
Silent crimson vengeance
Melting skin

(get it here)

Endless sand
Blood fills the moat

(get it here)
Post edited August 16, 2014 by awalterj
Was playing a game, with a bunch of friend,
Logic broke my fantastical zen.
So I went to the bathroom
(drank too much beer).

After I wizzed, I tried for the light,
but it seemed I was in for a crazy night,
I pulled out my zippo, Lo-and-behold,
I was not longer in the bathroom,
(Nor a gazebo).

So I went to find my way out,
Only to get possessed by a ghost,
but because I was pure (in some small way),
I worked to escape this crazy place.

I lie through my teeth,
Use puns around every corner,
Get laid a few times,
And restore some type of limited order.

Finally the clincher of this whole tale?
I was teleported from earth,
because some f***ing elves.

My tale in the end was unepic,
And there's three endings to the game,
but for now I'll just go back to bed,
before the next round of beers hurt my brain...
And now some haikus for Jetpack (1993 DOS game)

I'm out for treasure.
Most important are the gems.
And staying alive.

I collect some fuel.
I fly up, jump around, and...
Damn! More pesky bots.

Psst! Don't forget to vote for Jetpack 2 ;)
The future, I have seen;
But to share, I'm not so keen.

To think of all the friends soon to be lost,
grappling with these themes, in my sleep I've tossed.

The thought that keeps me up night
the most is considering if Nietzche was right.

Regardless, with blade in hand,
I will begin my adventure across Bionis land.


A Witch'r's work awaits,
In the swamp of the drown'd dead
I set to make coin.


Lined up against the ridge,
We get out the 16s and the pig,
I hear them cross the man-made bridge.
Pins into my throat do dig
As my heart begins to race.

I await my own command,
Wading through apprehension and fright;
But we kill on demand.
So, with the enemy thoroughly in my sight
I scream into the night: "Light 'em up!"


The world has not been kind to us,
Everything we have has been earned by us.

By sweat and toil,
Blood and burning oil,

From siege to siege,
From sea to glimmering sea,

All have been brought to knee,
All now bow to we,

From Hamburg in the North,
To Rhodes in the East,

From Murcia in the West,
To Tuscany in the South,

All of this is ruled from Nuremberg,
My seat and my keep.

We are the king of Rome,
His Holiness, the Kaiser!
Post edited August 18, 2014 by AnimalMother117
Insanity then death
the world gave out it's last breath
a wasteland is forged
human existence was almost purged
now we must make the world as it was before the war
just so we can let insanity destroy us again with world war four
or we can all die here to feed
our hungry new friends with skin that is green
ghouls and mutants rule this Necropolis
so fuck this apocalypse...
Post edited August 18, 2014 by monkeydelarge
monkeydelarge: Insanity then death
the world gave out it's last breath
a wasteland is forged
human existence was almost purged
now we must make the world as it was before the war
just so we can let insanity destroy us again with world war four
or we can all die here to feed
our hungry new friends with skin that is green
ghouls and mutants rule this Necropolis
so fuck this apocalypse...
I like this one.