tinyE: I didn't think Man of Steel was that bad. I thought the fight sequences got a tad repetitive but I thought Russell Crow did a nice job and it was a beautiful looking movie.
l0rdtr3k: I thought it was very meh and got tiresome after a while but at least is not Supes 3 or 4.
Elmofongo: Perhaps But Superman has been WORSE things outside of movies. This comic book of Superman just leaves a hole in the part of my brain the handles logical thought:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WpE1MScgT8 Superman 64 is also worse than Man of Steel.
l0rdtr3k: Silver Age Supes,that is all. Thank God the Crisis happened.
People criticizing Man of Steel grew up with the Pre Crisis Silver Age :P (Or at least in some form like the Superfriends TV show)
Like the dudes at Screen Junkies criticizing the new look for Aquaman because it too bland and grey and want the classic Green and Orange suit because its recognizable even though:
A. Its just that one image and happens to be in a more dull grey, we don't know how it will look in the movie.
B. One of the big criticisms against Aquaman and why he is treated as a joke these days is because of the colorful suit.
But who am I kidding here Screen Junkies is a bunch of bias Marvel Cinematic Universe fanboys. The MCU fanboys are just as bad as the worse of Brony fandom.
I grew up with the DCAU man it has much better and serious stories and action than anything MCU churns out. Justice League intro is MIGHTY:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXph0arElKs Telika: What do you call satire, in Robocop, apart from short glimpses of a stupid tv show setting a cultural background, and a couple of silly tv news before the actual newsflashes that do advance the plot ?
Breja: Pretty much everything. OCP and all the characters working there, the level of violence and the way it's shown, ed 209... there is precious little in that movie that is not blunt force trauma satire.
Elmofongo: Even though Superman has been in WORSE than Man of Steel.
Breja: It's not hard to be in something worse than Man of Steel as it is a very good movie.
I thought it was aa great movie aswell. Zack Snyder is the best in the buisness when it comes to action scenes.
If I have to address the problems with the movie (Aside from the tacky Catholic Priest Scene and the miscast actress for Lois Lane) is that I find the movie kinda rushed. Like Avengers and the MCU became ridiculously successful so Warner Bros. just rushed in the studio to make their own Cinematic Universe with DC. Especially considering it came out a year after the Avengers.