Posted February 02, 2015

I remember when Metroid: Other M was about to be released, every Nintendo fanboy, i.e. people who are fans of the company and not the games, was getting really giddy about it. Now they too would be having a shiny cinematic game like the PlayStation kids of who they had been making fun until then for playing cinematic games.
I was telling them that Metroid was heading for a disaster, that it would kill the series. But they were like "but what will you do when it does sell, huh, huh?". Guess what? A few months after launch you could already find it in the discount bin for 10€ next to 3rd party shovel ware and the series has beed dead since.
My point is, I don't need any game creators to be driven out, just level the playing field and they will destroy themselves. Whom we do need to drive out are the people who keep skewing any discussion and misrepresent facts. And I think that is something everyone can agree with.