Posted January 10, 2015
low rated

And since he's been linking to a Karen Straughan video, his next bullshit step could simply be anything.
As I said, I find Bain to be coerced into revealing his political opinion, so there is still some sympathy for him, but I do find his opinion plainly disgusting.
Sexism out of thin air? Sometimes, possibly (didn't follow the Watch Dogs critique logic much). Here, not at all.

I'm not saying that there is no difference, and I'm not saying Sarkeesian shouldn't pay more attention to make that difference. I'm saying that generally, the identification is a sought after goal of game designers naturally, and particularly the younger target group embraces the concept unconditionally. One of the key arguments I've heard against same sex relationships in games was that players "felt forced" into a homosexual relationship by the game. This feeling of force is closely linked to the identification. That extreme unease of the male player in the eternal role of a male protagonist who develops feelings for a male NPC would not be ten percent as strong if he did not identify to the max. When we talk about video games, we almost never say "the protagonist did that", and almost always: "I did that".
The reason the player uses the mechanics provided in any game is their entertainment value. Certainly, being appalled also counts as entertainment value. Hence as a 'defence' against accusations of scenes that may be considered misogynist, "being appalled" doesn't have much value. "Oh my god, [I/Agent 47] [am/is] dragging the corpse of a beautiful naked woman through the room, this is so sick!".
Being appalled and said sexual jolt may go hand in hand here. And that is intended, very much so.
Frankly, I'm glad that this focus shift was practically complete so early on. I mean, among the "gamergate victory conditions" as heralded by Aurini et al. just a few months ago, you find some blatantly fascist stuff – as in, defining for themselves how "apolitical" games journalism is supposed to look like and then force the "free" press into putting any journalist out of a job who doesn't comply to the arbitrary imposition. I mean, WOW.
So, seriously, yeah, misogyny in video games is the actual issue, let's talk about that.
Post edited January 10, 2015 by Vainamoinen