Ganrao: Newsflash for those late to the party:
4chan's /pol is run by literal Nazis from Stormfront, just browse it yourself and take in all the awful racism you can stomach, and also happened to be the hub of Gamergate (which is a stupid name to begin with, comparing actual crimes committed by a former president to your made-up crimes committed by a woman 4chan has a collective hate-boner for).
Play innocent all you want, the internet never forgets and the evidence of GG being a hate campaign focused on women in tech is beyond catalogueing. Moving into recent times, GG supporters and 4Chan are also almost universally Trump supporters, who just happens to be endorsed by white supremacists the world over. Coincidence? Only if you're an idiot.
I'm not "late to the party", I became interested in GG because of the “Gamers are dead” articles especially Dan Golding's
piece I will oppose the destruction of "the most egalitarian form of entertainment ever created" which is what would have happened had those that opposed GG won.
And if GG was so against women in tech then would it have raised money for that very cause? (please check out the video in post 8222)
1) I for one do not go to any "chan" sites & as such I don't go to /pol (I more agree with reddit's KIA-not on everything though).
you brought up Trump needlessly, So is it fair for me to ask about Clinton's own ties to white supremacy as well
Plus "White supremacy" is fast becoming a useless term due to overuse like "racist", "sexist" & "misogyny" are.