dtgreene: I also note that, pretty much every time there's a case where a developer restricts the player's character to one sex (considering here games where the PC could be considered to represent the player), it's
always the male sex that is chosen.
Klumpen0815: Wrong.
[list of games omitted]
Do I really need to go on?
I can't play a male character there, SEXISM!
They have to cater to my needs and I can't relate to people of the opposite sex thanks to my totally crippled empathy, dammit! /sarcasm
Seriously, stories where everything about the protagonist is interchangable are pointless and it's mostly sandboxing instead of storytelling.
Let's add a couple constraints:
1. Only games that could be considered "mainstream" count. This excludes most indies (in particular, this excludes games like Touhou), but does include games like the Metroid series
2. For games with a selectable main character (or the main character's gender selectable), only count the default choice. (So, for example, Super Mario USA wouldn't count because Mario is the default choice, not Peach, but Unlimited SaGa (if you consider it mainstream, which it probably isn't) does because Laura is where the cursor starts.
Notice how the list is noticeably smaller? Also, note how small the list is compared to those with male main characters?
Let's consider some well-known JRPG series, for example:
Dragon Quest: Of 1-9, only 3 of them even have the option to play as a female character, and I believe it isn't the default for any of them. (Although, I note that the remakes of DQ3 favor female characters in terms of equipment selection.)
Final Fantasy: I exclude 1, 3, 11, 14, and 15, as well as sequels. (15 because it's not out, 1 and 3 because of the lack of specified gender in the first place, 11 and 14 because they are MMOs.) I further count FF6 as having a female main character (Terra and Celes share the "main character" spot in that game, and both are female). With all that, I conclude that only 20% of main series FFs have female main characters, and if FF15 is counted that percentage drops a bit.
Phantasy Star: Considering only 1-4, we get 25% having female main characters.
Fire Emblem: I am not that familiar with the series, but I note the following: 2 (gaiden) splits between two parties, with the first one you control having a male main. The rest of 1-6 have only male lords. 7 has Lyn, but she's only the main for the tutorial part of the game. 8 has a path split, and I think Eirika's path is default, so we'll count that as a female main. So, counting FE8 and exactly 1 of 2 or 7, we have 2 games, out of, I believe, 15, with female mains. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Disgaea: No female main characters in the series. (This is actually a bit surprising, if you look at the other games produced by Nippon Ichi.)
Shin Megami Tensei: The only female main I am aware of is the one from Persona 3 Portable, and I believe she's not a default choice, so none in that series.