Posted October 27, 2014
low rated
RWarehall: You really think there were 2000+ "I'll rape you with a hot iron rod" or worse? I just find that a little hard to believe especially since Zoe has only received a bit over 10,000 Tweets in total per Newsweek and Anita 35,000. And the breakdown of the tweets, I'm not even sure there were 2000 negatives among all the participants.
That's only twitter. And it's only the non-deleted tweets.
I was there for lordkat's twitch stream (the one about IGF and Indiecade) and there was about one of these threats (or worse) every 15 seconds. Many of them using the GamerGate hashtag, of course.
RWarehall: Then let me put it this way, some say people should abandon the hashtag because there are bad actors, should someone quit using the SJW tag because there are bad actors on that side too?
Yes. My translation program does not recognise "disvow" but I hope I know what you mean.
So: Yes.
RWarehall: Should I disvow America because my country bombs weddings by mistake but still counts any male of an appropriate age as a successful terrorist kill for statistical purposes?
Yes. Or to make it easier: If you're by principle not willing to take a stance against any of those (or might even rather defend them because they are part of your "group") then my answer is yes.
To be more precise with the examples you used:
- SJW as a label suffers from the similar problem as GamerGate. It cannot be saved. So yes, to stepping away from it.
- Westboro nutjobs. If you're very vocal about being "Christian" then yes, I'd be in favour of stepping away from that label as long as no way is found to shut these nutjobs up.
Alternatevly try using very specific labels that expressively exclude the nutjob streams.
But I fear all that won't work. Didn't work for the non-extremist Muslims either.
So, just like them it might be a good time to be quiet about your religion if you don't want to be affiliated with the nutjobs.
Or maybe better find a way to shut them up or drown their voices.
- America. I'm not sure what "disvowing" a country would mean, so it is a more tentatively yes from me here.
But also here goes: Saying that what your country does is shit if your country is doing shit seems to be the right way for me. Protesting, marching on the streets when things go wrong also seems to be good from my point of view.
I don't see the need to be quiet about shit (if you don't risk your life/health/etc. by doing so).
RWarehall: While it's your choice to sit on the sidelines, for some to claim you are as guilty as the worst is you even dare associate with a group is just plain stupid.
You choose which group you belong to (well, maybe with the exception of family, I'd say ;-)). If you decide to get in with extremists don't be surprised if people judge you by that. Edit: Spelling.
Post edited October 27, 2014 by Piranjade