Posted September 12, 2015
Shadowstalker16: Milo's article on prominent SJW being pedo and still being supported despite proof :
TB on Anita :
Keep in mind SJWs also defended Ian Miles Cheong even after he was proven to have said antisemitic stuff and gave more than journalists-sticking-out-for-each-other defense to Tariq Moosa after his necrophilia and incest articles.
LeonardoCornejo: Am I the only one who is mildly fine with paraphilias. I mean, I hate child moesters, but if you are attracted to minors there are alternatives like lolicon and that stuff. Also, necrophilia is gross and all, but nobody realy gets hurt. Not that I want them to be legal or mainstream, not even accepted, and what these people is wrong, and also doublethink. But I think focusing on paraphilias is kind of an ad hominem unless they actually do something harmful, as in Nyberg's case. TB on Anita :
Keep in mind SJWs also defended Ian Miles Cheong even after he was proven to have said antisemitic stuff and gave more than journalists-sticking-out-for-each-other defense to Tariq Moosa after his necrophilia and incest articles.