Shadowstalker16: I remember Vain saying 'diversity' was some ancient principle. He couldn't provide a source of course.
Vainamoinen: Oh, where do we start. Say, English literature?
That middle age guy? OBSESSED with diversity. Hmmm. What should I do for my life's epic work? Some thing about kings and princesses and great battles, as is the norm nowadays? Oh, no, wait, how about 29 people of common origin telling stories. Outcasts, dirt poor, women, gay people, what have you.
Or, hey, that renaissance guy? OBSESSED with diversity. Hmmm. What's my protagonist going to be... whoohoo, let's take some black guy for a change. Oh, and hey, let's have two women kicking ass in a courtroom.
You could think of your own examples if you had a brain.
You said it was an ancient principle. Like some virtue only preserved in the past. The examples only show such 'minorities' were INCLUDED and not that this inclusion was any sort of virtue or rule to stick to. They were included for their different perspective they could offer at the time and one certainly cannot say for certain whether they were included because the writers felt some sudden urge to be ''inclusive''.
And what happened to context? If inclusion was such an obsessive element of medieval or renaissance culture, are any of the other traditions? Like slavery and racism and many other stuff.
It seems you're thinking there was a quest for diversity in those time periods solely based on the fact that the minorities were portrayed in art from the time. Which is kinda nonsense since why they were included cannot be ascertained. Ie there can be many reasons; so why this and not something else beyond sheer want of thinking society went backwards?
You say the diversity in those works then answered the same call for diversity we have now. Which also is stupid because those works would've angered some people at least for portraying the minorities then and they would've demanded their removal but it wasn't removed and it survives to this day. Anyhoo, I tried to find the original post but couldn't so feel free to clarify.