EyeNixon: What's funny is that you dorks are literally arguing over each-other about some teenagers that post on a blogging website, like that's the target of your massive paragraphs of completely circular and circle-jerking nonsense, some teenaged girls and weirdos on Tumblr are making you mad with their dumb crap they post after getting home from school at 4PM in the afternoon.
And then inexplicably you get insanely mad at people who dare to speak out about actual issues and conflate them with the teenagers because your grasps on reality are as tenouos as your relationships with real women.
Because that's the root of it all, massive insecurity.
If you really cared so much about all of this you'd probably be able to supply arguments for why your life has so terribly been destroyed by these people but since I can obviously point out that they haven't, well there you go, just a bunch of gas-bagging by some annoying quacks with too much time.
Blah blah blah, so mad at feminism, blah blah blah, so mad at everything.
I'm not even arguing for or against anyone, I'm just saying you're all pathetic and have very annoying and stupid opinions that I'd expect from 14 year olds.
Either you're all actually 14 or you need to grow the fuck up.
I think you have confused GG with aGG. No really.
Please show when we argue over teenager posting their views on whatever. Even then; who said that discussing someone's opinion is wrong? Ideas are meant to have their validity questioned. Why are you so angry (touche) about people discussing ideas and opinions?
I don't know about these real issues but last time I checked, cultural appropriation, portraying the wrong thing in art and not portraying something correctly in art isn't all that problematic to normal humans who can live the fact that people with other opinions exist and deserve to live. Also you should work on your self awareness. You almost tripped over the fact that these so called feminists believe the world is ruled by some straight white capitalist patriarchy that does all in its power to make women slaves and dis-empower your mealticket ''minorities'' and push their American society based ideas onto everywhere else.
Yeah sure insecurity. And could you explain where all this insecurity was before GG started? I mean, its obvious that 2014 was the year where the clean 100% male only gaming community was invaded by strong independent minorities who somehow grew up with games but only got the idea that gaming is more diverse than the number of genders they devised in 2014.
What is feminism to you? To me its equality between sexes. Anything leading to even a bit more or less of something for either side is in disagreement with the principle of equality; and has no place in any society. Just remember feminism is about women; and try not to classify everything related to ''minorities'' as feminism.
Don't worry you were never arguing and the fact that you never intended to argue was apparent the second you started posting claims of everything and its grandma on one incoherent group and then jumped off to lala land and then returned just posting more hollow claims without addressing the replies to the earlier ones. And don't forget that putting off a conversation on this is little more than either lack of intelligence to debate from your part, just fear of having to consider yourself as equal to someone else or plain lack of concern for the few issues that do exist. I wouldn't be age discriminating and say you're a kid; but jumping from one shallow deluded claim to another says a lot more about you than the unproven claims do about anyone you wished to insult.
Vainamoinen: Obviously, video games are an autistic child.
So that is why you play? Good on you then for helping out by claiming superiority and hiding like a weasel while narcissisticly getting off to the bits of meaningful conversation lower beings such as dem filthy ggers are burdened to have.