SusurrusParadox: 8<~~~~~~~~
Wrong. No fear. How "edgy" -
not too concerned about this shallow and trivial nonsense. "progressive" -
in the current popular meaning of the word. I hope not! And I believe [Shadowstalker16] already pointed out you're perverse and hamfisted little attempt to reverse the meaning of what I said - always a favorite dirty trick of authoritarian types.
noncompliantgame: So let them run their gutless little chicken shit F.A.G. (Feminists Against Gaming) campaign. This forum is one of the few places on the internet where both sides had the opportunity to debate/argue/fight without the pro-gaming side being shut down. It proved them morally, intellectually and emotionally incapable of sustaining their position. So they left. As always, their social and political position is so full of holes and contradictions that it can only exist for significant periods of time with the backing of government and wealthy organizations such as corporate sponsorship. This is exemplified on an individual level by some of the higher profile members of this collective hoard mentality (for whom many of the anti-gaming clowns on this forum have been avid cheerleaders). They who have truly demonstrated their credentials as members of a klepto-parasitic class thru scamming sponsorship from crowd funding and even corporate sponsorship and have ruthlessly exploited and encouraged the current climate of victim culture. I say good riddance!! Let them lurk in the shadows - they've shown their true cowardly colors. I'd rather lose a few rep points than have the forum cluttered with their imbecilic infantile mendacious polemic.

RaggieRags: Or maybe they, like me, got tired of the ongoing bullshit here and went on to other, better moderated forums. Once in a while I come back to take a look how things are going here since I used to be a regular, and just leave again when I see the anthropy. Most of the level-headed people are gone now, what's left is people like you.
People gave up trying to reason with gators because it's about as fruitful as teaching algebra to a chimp. You know who convinced me you are idiots? You people did. I really did try to make some sort of sense of what you people are about and all you did was sprout illogical, childish nonsense. I try to dig deeper and all I find is even more nonsense. And more you filled this forum with this garbage, less I wanted to spend my time here. You made me feel embarrassed to call myself a gamer. So I left. Count that as a victory if you want. I really hope you all will grow up some day, in the meantime enjoy your cesspool.
Cute. But, what you really meant was -
Or maybe they, like me, could not present their ideas in a logical, winning manner here and went on to other forums where debate and free speech have been sacrificed on the alter of Political Correctness V.2. Once in a while I come back to spit some bile at random gamers here since it tends to build up if I don't have a good hate session now and then, and just leave again when I realize I just can't win. Most of the people who just echo my own delusional sentiments are gone now, what's left is people who see the world for what it really is and are willing to stand up and speak truth to power!
People gave up screaming their vile doctrine at gamers because it's about as fruitful as teaching fascism to a freedom loving, life loving super-hero. You know who convinced me of this? You people did. I really did NOT try to make some sort of sense of what you people are about and all you did was try to teach us logical, mature perspectives on our world. I am incapable of digging deeper and all I find in my own mind is even more nonsense. And the more you filled this forum with this useful and enlightening information the less I wanted to spend my time here. You made me feel embarrassed to call myself an anti-gamer. So I left. Count that as a victory if you want. I really hope you all will join the government and corporate sponsored mindless hoard some day, in the meantime enjoy your shining city on the hill you have created.
Shadowstalker16: 8<~~~~~~~
As a side thing; where do you guys fall on on political compass? I just retook the test after a communist friend of mine somehow landed in the authoritarian right and glad to see I've changed very little.
I'm at Economic Left / Right : -1.25
and Social Libertarian / Authoritarian : -6.56
Here's the test : Don't have to post results if not decided / comfortable.
AKA: don't hurt me I'm centric!
Yeah, interesting. I did that or a similar test a few years back. Didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know - slightly "left leaning", very "libertarian". But hey I might try it again sometime.