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high rated
kai2: May I request Black Legend?
high rated
B1tF1ghter: Well I guess I was 7 hours to late :/
Virtually all stuff I was interested in already got picked :S
Well I guess maybe next time...

Nontheless thank you Doc0075 for your generosity and your kindness to this community ;)
See here:
Expect a second batch, probably in the next few days. This is the standard cat and doc modus operandi.
kai2: May I request Black Legend?
finkleroy: Granted.
Finkleroy and Doc, Thank you!
low rated
may I please request hollow knight if I'm elligible?
Thank you Doc for Encodya, very appreciate. And finkleroy for the time given to this giveaway.
may I ask for The Slormancer, if its not too late yet?
Here I am again thanking Doc for a game (Wallace & Gromit)! Much appreciated Doc. Thanks to finkleroy and Damon for the work that you continue to do. Stay safe.
mrkgnao: ...
This is the standard cat and doc modus operandi.
I do not know why, but when I read that sentence I imagined Behemoth and Woland from Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita".

With all due respect to our venerable cat and doc.
I would like to request Metamorphosis.
Huh - not sure how I missed this since's the time-stamp on finkleroy's "come and geeeeeet it" post is prior to when I know I was still online. But impressively there have been 110+ posts in 10 hours lol

The game I would have wanted is actually still available, surprisingly lol

So when I wake up a bit I may come back for it if it's still here. ;)

Major thanks to doc for the generosity and single-handedly keeping GOG afloat!
may i have dorfromantik please?
Post edited May 03, 2021 by Schizo2015
Many thanks to Doc0075 once again. And to finkleroy for keeping this community together. You are the best here.
The_Puppet94: My personal highlights of games on this list, whichI can recommend since I played them already, are:
- Children of Morta -> nice rougelite pixelart doungen crawler game. Sweet art, interesting story. Never had a rouglike with that good of a story.
I was annoyed with a review of Hades that noted "it's the first of its kind with a compelling storyline to explain why you keep going back!" since that's exactly what had made Children of Morta work. Of the two does Hades have better graphics? Sure. Tighter combat? Probably, IDK I haven't played it yet (but likely will when it falls below $15 someday). I suspect the author just ignored it or only follows bigger name releases. Ultimately I quite enjoy most of the character's combat styles in CoM and I think they did a great job really making most of them play quite differently.

Anyway, after contemplating, I've decided to overcome my hesitancy and ask for what appears to be the one remaining copy of


unless I missed a request for it somewhere. This had been #1 on my radar and I've really been looking forward to playing it!

I don't Galaxy so I'll have to remember to keep patching each release as they move towards full release lol :)
Thank you Doc for Control Ultimate Edition. I am a fan of Alan Wake and look forward to this next chapter.
Thanks in advance Doc for promise of a second wave of games for us late comers :)