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FrenziedAU: We've (we = existing flatmates and I) have been looking for someone to move into the spare room, as the current occupant moved out today. We've had a variety of people come by and express interest, and we promised we'd get back to them Friday (today). However, the rental agency sent someone along, and he swooped back to them and signed everything, without us agreeing on him being the new flatmate.
That sounds like it should be a breach of your lease, you should have to sign it with this other guy. Maybe the rest of you should up and leave just to annoy
i'm bored
FrenziedAU: We've (we = existing flatmates and I) have been looking for someone to move into the spare room, as the current occupant moved out today. We've had a variety of people come by and express interest, and we promised we'd get back to them Friday (today). However, the rental agency sent someone along, and he swooped back to them and signed everything, without us agreeing on him being the new flatmate.
Aliasalpha: That sounds like it should be a breach of your lease, you should have to sign it with this other guy. Maybe the rest of you should up and leave just to annoy

Since the rental agency gets to charge people a £40 commission if they find a room for them, I can pretty much guarantee that they're allowed to do it.
the forum is slow again
lackoo1111: the forum is slow again

my complaint... I havent had a cig in three DAYS! 72 hours and I walked outside a few minutes ago..... smelled a clove cig burning......and gave into the darkside....................damn... well maybe if i dont smoke the rest of the night i'll kick the habbit
akwater: my complaint... I havent had a cig in three DAYS! 72 hours and I walked outside a few minutes ago..... smelled a clove cig burning......and gave into the darkside....................damn... well maybe if i dont smoke the rest of the night i'll kick the habbit
I didn't smoke for 7 months
I just got accepted to teach in Lebanon...... it is a helluva pay cut, but a real job where I would not be shot at (well...most of the time anyway lol).... I had not applied to teach I had asked to try and get a deal on books for work here.
I'd almost take it but I gotta talk to my boss 1st........ crap.....
Oddly enough I had applied to that gig two years ago and they turned me down saying I was overqualified......
Almost makes me want to apply for a teaching gig in the states... although I dont think I could survive American students........
akwater: Almost makes me want to apply for a teaching gig in the states... although I dont think I could survive American students........

Come to australia mate & teach at my uni, there's no way you could be worse than most of the lecturers I've had even if you don't know anything about the subjects
akwater: Almost makes me want to apply for a teaching gig in the states... although I dont think I could survive American students........
Aliasalpha: Come to australia mate & teach at my uni, there's no way you could be worse than most of the lecturers I've had even if you don't know anything about the subjects

I thought a long term work visa in Australia was a pain in the tookus to get and even more so for teaching assignments...
Uni of New South Wales, has a fantastic program I'd like to teach in.... we will see.
Seems my problems with the Ashes to Ashes series 3 DVDs I mentioned in another topic was a sign that my trusted DVD writer of 6 years or so was about to die. It now refuses to recognize DVDs at all (and no, it's nothing to do with DRM or any other crap). So now I'm stuck watching UK region 2 DVDs on my wife's tiny little player, that squashes up the screen when output to a TV and I'm down another $70 (approx.) as I had to get a replacement which should arrive tomorrow. Ugh!
And to top it all off, the bloody BoJ/government have fucked us over with the exchange rate. Bye bye lovely cheap games =(
Post edited September 15, 2010 by bansama
I set up a date with a girl for today. She said call me on the week for the time. I called and she does not pick up the phone. Sheesh!
kiva: I set up a date with a girl for today. She said call me on the week for the time. I called and she does not pick up the phone. Sheesh!

Sometimes people just can't answer the phone. It happens. If she told you to call her then she probably isn't avoiding your call. Try again if it's not already too late. If you can't get through to her a second time, leave a text message (voice messages often go unnoticed) so she knows that you've been trying to contact her.
kiva: I set up a date with a girl for today. She said call me on the week for the time. I called and she does not pick up the phone. Sheesh!

Shit happens. I was in the same situation, until I learned about her day schedule and problems (health, family, that all is a long story). Now I know when to call her, until something unexpected happened. Though we didn't meet yet (again a long story), we call often.
kiva: I set up a date with a girl for today. She said call me on the week for the time. I called and she does not pick up the phone. Sheesh!
Barefoot_Monkey: Sometimes people just can't answer the phone. It happens. If she told you to call her then she probably isn't avoiding your call. Try again if it's not already too late. If you can't get through to her a second time, leave a text message (voice messages often go unnoticed) so she knows that you've been trying to contact her.
I called her the day before yesterday 2 times left a voice msg. Yesterday called once and sent her a text. I just heard T mobile has tech. difficulties in the area. Maybe thats her carrier. Ill find out saturday when I see her again at class.
Well THIS has been a waste of a day. We go to Junee to see the tour of the liquorice factory but my crowd claustrophobia kicks in as soon as we hit the building so I can't go or I'd start freaking out and in my panic stricken escape attempt, the walls would end up coated in blood and liquorice.
No probs I think, I'll wander around taking photos of the nice old building. I get maybe a dozen shots out of the shitty (n)eveready batteries in my camera but that's what I thought would happen which is why I have my freshly charged rechargeables. ONE shot. ONE fucking shot before they die.
So instead of taking an interesting tour of a liquorice factory, I sat in the car for an hour on the drive there, sat in the car for the next hour before sitting in the car for the hour drive home again...