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Some people are idiots. I've known this guy for like 15 years, we did primary school together (same class for eight years). We were also roommates last year. I considered him to be a good friend. Somewhere along that path, it got to the point were I basically asked him:
a) our friendship
b) $40
Guess what he choose?
Last year I lost my job, girlfriend, home and pretty much everything I had worked for up to that point. :'( I'm still getting nowhere 10 months later. I hate life :(
Additional generic complaint
KavazovAngel: Some people are idiots. I've known this guy for like 15 years, we did primary school together (same class for eight years). We were also roommates last year. I considered him to be a good friend. Somewhere along that path, it got to the point were I basically asked him:
a) our friendship
b) $40
Guess what he choose?

your girlfriend?
TheCowSaysMoo: your girlfriend?

Haha! :)
work is killing my soul...... right now because of an incident the state department has teaching on hold,... so they gave me busy work..........
those stupid silly ajhjkadhkjhdasasss heads
i'd rather be babysitting, but nooooooooooooooooooooo
so... im updating inventory, (which hasnt been done in at least a year) and the ausgkdahakyh thing is so dkajdlkasj fucked up that i punched the wall because im so ashadaskhadhahdhka sfik,yvx at this stupid fucdkkahing system that i want to scream........
who the dsahdkhsjhda had to make the inventory system sooo jacked up that it takes 20min to find 1 yeah One freaking item down
oh shit... it's by ibm... explains alot....
After being happy yesterday about getting a 2TB drive for free, apparently I'm not allowed to be happy today when I got around to putting them in. The PSU seems to be having troubles even jump starting. Dammit!
It was a decent-quality 480W Tagan PSU too.
EDIT: Oh, nice, it isn't dead, it just doesn't like the 1 Molex to 2 SATA power splitter I connected... now how the crap am I going to power my two new drives?
EDIT2: Okay, I'm happy again, move on people, nothing to see here.
Post edited September 01, 2010 by Miaghstir
KavazovAngel: Some people are idiots. I've known this guy for like 15 years, we did primary school together (same class for eight years). We were also roommates last year. I considered him to be a good friend. Somewhere along that path, it got to the point were I basically asked him:
a) our friendship
b) $40
Guess what he choose?

People pretty reliably make that choice, and they'd make it for five bucks. It has something to do with inherent human perversity, IMO, much more than with whether they value your friendship or not.
There are a few days when I question my ambition to destroy the universe. This is not one of those days
Since my sister died in April, I've been wanting to get the hell out of this crap town. I decided that I really wanted to meet this girl from sydney who I'd been talking to online because she'd been a real help when I needed it and I wanted to thank her in person. Also because of the fact she's pretty awesome and kinda hot, I wanted to do the sex at her.
After a few weeks of thinking about it, I realised that I could also go & visit my other friend in Newcastle since it'd only be 2 hours away by train. Additionally, she's someone else I'd be able to do the sex at. Awesome, two in one trip, that's gotta unlock an achievement!
Months of saving and trying to organise schedules resulted in a final time of the end of august. It was an extra bonus because last august was fucking awful so running away sounded like a good plan this year. Managed to get an affordable train trip planned and a good hotel located in newcastle that was also fairly cheap.
Everything was awesome until 2 weeks before I was due to leave. Turns out that Friend2 needs to go into hospital to have chemo & will be in isolation for a few weeks whilst her immune system heals up meaning I can't even visit her when she's inside.
That aside, I managed to get to Sydney on schedule and had a good night hanging out with Friend1 and her best friend who was also cool and kinda hot, 2 hot girls who are actually talking to me, the trip was going well.
For a day. The next day a mate of Friend1 was in sydney for a job interview and had his hotel cancel out on him and was unable to get in anywhere on such short notice so Friend1 says he can stay at her place. Very nice of her and the guy is actually pretty cool but nevertheless it sort of buggered up the chances of my seducifying her then. He stayed until monday morning.
Monday afternoon rolls around and things are going well, we're back alone again. An hour or 2 of playing Army Of Two: The 40th Day and she gets a phone call from her mum which reminds me that I was supposed to call my own mum. I get back from that to find that Friend1's grandfather had died and I have to head home ASAP so she can fly off to be with her family.
So what should have been 2 weeks of fun with the possibility of some kind of sex was 5 days with no sex... At least the 5 days were mostly fun...
But no sex...
Post edited September 03, 2010 by Aliasalpha
and I thought the US was long distance...
This happened to a friend.
He met some girl he liked (you all know where this is headed, right). She was from ... not Norway. She was from Guadeloupe, or whatever the hell that french ex-colony place is called. They emptied their like on eachother and he emptied his ballsack on her, as these things normally go.
Then christmas came rolling around, and she had to go home. To guadelalupedopoulos. But would he come visit?
Sure he would, she was hot, foreign, and receiver of ballsack contents. So he booked a flight down to fucking gwadelapoppel, landing on christmas eve itself.
The plane duly arrived at gvaledaslarfup airport, and they met. And she dumped him. Horribly. And left him standing there in the reception hall at gwallaslabukpari airport.
So he was sitting there, all alone, on christmas eve, in the airport, at fucking guadeloupe. Eventually his flight home, booked a FULL FOUR DAYS LATER arrived and he was able to evacuate.
This was as much as I knew about the hilarity of this situation ... up until yesterday when he confessed something else.
Three months after his best christmas vacation ever, he gets a phone call. She's pregnant. Apparently he had time to do some strategic emptying of the testicular tract - still in the airport - before she sent him on his merry way. Her father, who is by the way some kind of tribal chief in the community down there, expects his grandchilds father to be teh a-present. Only not physically. Just $$ please.
I think he's kinda down right now.
stonebro: She was from Guadeloupe, or whatever the hell that french ex-colony place is called.

Bosnian girl throwing puppies in river goes viral
We've (we = existing flatmates and I) have been looking for someone to move into the spare room, as the current occupant moved out today. We've had a variety of people come by and express interest, and we promised we'd get back to them Friday (today). However, the rental agency sent someone along, and he swooped back to them and signed everything, without us agreeing on him being the new flatmate.
So, today comes around and he shows up with about 5 friends to move his stuff in, and my first introduction to him is when I wander out of my room, which has the door open, to find him standing in the middle of the flat with a dammed cigarette smoking away.
I asked him to only smoke next to his window, with the window open, but given that he was bloody inconsiderate enough to be standing in the middle of the flat with his bloody toxic waste stick, and waved it off with an 'oh, I'm sorry I'm filling your lungs with cancerous chemicals and making the flat unpleasant', I don't have much hope.
So I am rather pissed that this guy, who snuck behind our backs to get this place, is a smoker who doesn't have any apparent consideration for others.
FrenziedAU: ...

Well you can always lock him up, beat him to death or do much, much more inconsiderate and unpleasant things. Might be just enough to get him out, especially if there's 3 of you... I know, toxic gas! ... Oh right, he's used to that crap.