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Fuck my life! I just noticed that I bought the bus ticket to the airport for the wrong day (the plane leaves on the 29th at 1:30 AM and I bought the ticket to the airport for the 29th arriving at 21:30 PM at the airport); this coupled with the fact that for some reason my bank decided to block my account (again) means that (1) am am broke and (2) will most likely miss my flight because I can't get to the airport.
I can't develop games for the iphone because I don't have a working macintosh to test them on. I have all the tools available but no damn mac to see if the game builds. Apparently cross-compilation is not good for Mr. Jobs' business. >:(
router disconnected me 17 times in a row, giving me about a minute of use between the black outs. fuck...
I hate being unemployed because I start coding because of boredom, and I'm compulsive... I've been coding almost all night. I don't want to fall into deep hack mode for days, sometimes weeks at a time again because I know the comedown is always murder. It'd take several days to get back to normal, during which time I could barely feed myself.
The last time I was there I've coded for about 14 hours straight and at the end of it I had gone in so deep that I couldn't even speak in complete sentences for a couple hours afterwards because my mouth was way too slow for my brain and I had so much in my head (from the code project) that social interaction modules couldn't page back in.
I had spent about 100 hours downloading a patch for a game and it got erased because i accidentally hit cancel instead of pause on my download manager.
Aliasalpha: Bollocks
Those bastards at valve have thought about this regional pricing shit. Just went to buy the metro 2033 special since it was 25 bucks but then saw it was 50 on the australian storefront. No problem I say to myself, just whack a /?cc=us on and "import" it. Bastards had thought of that, my paypal address didn't agree with my steam country selection

Would you like me to order it as a gift for you if you PayPal me the price in GBP? It should come out cheaper.
It's 29.99 GBP. Approx 44 USD. Nevermind then.
Post edited June 15, 2010 by TheJoe
Eh its cool thanks, shall get it off ebay, can get it for something like $35
Just found out we can't keep our 11-year old cat any longer as a family member is getting very ill in his presence, even with anti-histamines and stuff. What sucks about this is that I'm currently in the States, and won't be heading home for another two months and more.
I hope we can find another home for him. I adore that cat.
Can't you get rid of the family member instead? Surely you can find a good home somewhere...
Working with people in an anarchist environment is a bad idea because everyone just does what they want which is usually different from what others want, making everyone pissed off at each other all the time.
chautemoc: Working with people in an anarchist environment is a bad idea because everyone just does what they want which is usually different from what others want, making everyone pissed off at each other all the time.
You work for the government then?
Aliasalpha: You work for the government then?

Government seems to be fairly consistent...
It seems we've found a solution for the cat problem that lets me keep the cat. (I move out to an unused apartment used by one side of my family as a pit stop when they're in the area, while my brother takes care of the cat in the time until then).
But now I'm sad I won't get to see my cat for another two months again.
Post edited June 18, 2010 by Whitecroc
My PS3s BDdrive propably died. It doesn't recognize any kind of disk be it cd, dvd or blueray. Just fantastic. It's not like those european launch models are good. The one I have now is the fourth one. Everyone was replaced by warranty, but now it's pretty much over. Could try pressurized air or something if it's just the lens. Any suggestions?
Themock: My PS3s BDdrive propably died. It doesn't recognize any kind of disk be it cd, dvd or blueray. Just fantastic. It's not like those european launch models are good. The one I have now is the fourth one. Everyone was replaced by warranty, but now it's pretty much over. Could try pressurized air or something if it's just the lens. Any suggestions?

In that situation, you're pretty much fucked. I had the exact same thing happen to me. If it's still under warranty, send it in, but if not, the repair is $250, and a new PS3 is $300, so you might as well get a new one.
Your fourth PS3? Man, the consoles in this generation suck! I've gone through, what, five 360s and two PS3s?