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writer2036: Wow I did not know that about batteries AndrewC thank you I learnt something new today = )

Sorry wrong thread man, start whining or GTFO.
Just kidding :P
Um, my bro kicked a football in my head today and now my ear hurts, can't put headphones on. Just to stay on topic.
El_Double: Um, my bro kicked a football in my head today and now my ear hurts, can't put headphones on. Just to stay on topic.

Why was there a football in your head?
Aliasalpha: Why was there a football in your head?

Marsha Marsha Marsha..........
lol sorry couldn't resist
Bastards! I just lost a potentialy major contract that I was hoping to pitch in the next month or 3. Our unemployment service uses shitloads of paper forms that require a lot of proofreading, manual work and has potential for errors, I think to myself why not put my system design genius and my friend's webdesign genius together and fix the problem once and for all? Then when I put in my paper form today I get told that big changes are coming at the start of next month, guess what? They're doing an electronic version of their fucking forms.
Ugh I'm just logging into their system and its already shittier than my prototype, you need a username (which is the old customer ID and not real words) and password (that conforms to complexity requirements) but after that you STILL have to answer a secret question challenge. What the fuck is the point of a password if you have to have another? Its not like it'd help against brute force attacks, at least not any more than coding a 3 strikes and your out system but I guess they're too fucking lazy for that.
Ha! Just to make things worse they have a proxy error after I answer the challenge... useless bastards. Ironic that I could have done it better and gotten a job out of it but noooooo our unemployment service can't let me get a job can they?
Aliasalpha: Bastards! I just lost a potentialy major contract that I was hoping to pitch in the next month or 3. Our unemployment service uses shitloads of paper forms that require a lot of proofreading, manual work and has potential for errors, I think to myself why not put my system design genius and my friend's webdesign genius together and fix the problem once and for all? Then when I put in my paper form today I get told that big changes are coming at the start of next month, guess what? They're doing an electronic version of their fucking forms.
Ugh I'm just logging into their system and its already shittier than my prototype, you need a username (which is the old customer ID and not real words) and password (that conforms to complexity requirements) but after that you STILL have to answer a secret question challenge. What the fuck is the point of a password if you have to have another? Its not like it'd help against brute force attacks, at least not any more than coding a 3 strikes and your out system but I guess they're too fucking lazy for that.
Ha! Just to make things worse they have a proxy error after I answer the challenge... useless bastards. Ironic that I could have done it better and gotten a job out of it but noooooo our unemployment service can't let me get a job can they?

That's centrelink right? I went in their about a month ago and did that website shit. First the lady told me they were switching the time i had to hand in my form from 2 weeks to 12 weeks and than she said that i might have to do it by the internet once every 2 weeks instead but she wasn't sure. So i hop on the site last Tuesday just in case and it says i cant do it via the net. so i call them up and ask why i cant and they say its because i have to hand my form in every 12 weeks. the next day centrelink calls me up to tell me i missed my appointment despite the fact that my form says its due on the 2nd of august and yesterday they told me it was and that i had to go in and do it which means an hour long drive to and from. And they don't even check the form you give them. Ive been writing random numbers from the phonebook for the last few months and they havnt said anything.
Yeah thats them, there's a reason my friends and I call them cuntrelink
i had to rush out in the middle of the day because of system change inadvertently changed me from 12 wks to 2 wks and wasn't changed back in time, they told me i had do all login/create new password/Security Questions Crap to be able print a new form (apparently couldn't use the one i had) and bring that in today upon following instruction it told me a new form will printed and mail out. then i called again and got someone who told me the site was down possibly just an excuse to cover their ineptitude, and they said go to the local office get one. after arriving i asked a staffer if actually had to stand in line to get a new form and she told me no, just redate the one i have got and hand that in.
bloody hell all that stuffing around on the site on a 64k connection and calling back to find why it did not do what they said it would and i could have home by the time i eventually left to go there.
i also hate it when i go there and when your in line a large group of them go for a coffee or cigarette or whatever and your stuck standing in line or in the odd instance at the front of the line sometimes for more than 20 minutes
El_Double: Um, my bro kicked a football in my head today and now my ear hurts, can't put headphones on. Just to stay on topic.
Aliasalpha: Why was there a football in your head?

Well I have some theories, if you're interested. The most probable reason is that I screwed up when I tried to say it in English. I could ask my bro, though, since he is the one who managed to kick the ball regardless of the fact that it was inside my head. Quite an achievement actually.
Aliasalpha: Why was there a football in your head?
akwater: Marsha Marsha Marsha..........
lol sorry couldn't resist

Don't forget to Link
I'd like to share with you something cool about life I've read:
Originally by: Incantare
I wouldn't bother with this one.
They've nerfed the skill system to the point where no matter what you've trained you can't make it pay off.
Most of the in-game currency is owned by a few small corps who have managed to completely dominate all areas of the in-game market. They are also in league with the devs and anyone that threatens their power base invariably ends up with their character being killed off and account closed.
Non-consensual PVP is everywhere and the in-game equivalent of Concord are absolutely useless at stopping the ganking. In fact I've heard players complaining that it is these guys who are doing most of the griefing in some areas.
You can't even use an existing account to twink your new alt as this breaks a number of the myriad rules in the EULA... which incidentally you don't even get to hear about until after you've contravened it... and if you thought it was tough to get a petition response in EVE, you've seen nothing yet.
It's also incredibly dull. If you're the kind of person that likes the mindless drugery of endless mining ops in EVE, it might float your boat, but to be honest, I tried a few of the in-game professions and couldn't get anywhere with it.
The AI is complete crap. Very few of the NPCs behave in anything even approaching a rational manner.
Most of the NPC agents I came across offered you crap money for pointless missions and frequently try and gimp you out of that anyway. No matter how hard you work for one of the corporations, someone else will breeze in and nick the loot, and the agents are even ruder to you than the ones in starter systems in EVE.
On top of this, there is a completely unconvincing background story that changes from region to region and depending on which of the super-corps is in charge this week.
I'd not bother if I were you.
This has been the nicest week I had this year so let me tells you about it.
First of all on Monday rumors start spreading that my team (remote DBA doing 24/7 monitoring and work) will be outsourced as it would be cheaper that way for the company; we shrug it as just rumors because we heard that some time last winter and nothing of sorts happened. All good, yes?
Of course all good. My girlfriend decides to break up with me but we're still friends; uuuh, nice hit babe, but it was easy to see it coming so all is good despite a bad overall mood. The bad part is that this ruins all the plans I made for the summer and that I'll most likely lose a close friend (no matter how much we say we'll still be friends).
Friday evening my internet goes down. The hotspot to which I was connecting vanishes and I'm now stuck using my mobile phone as a modem (and the credit I have is running out, and fast!).
Saturday comes and I get a nice email from work saying that unfortunately, due to the current state of the economy, our team has been let go (along with other support people doing infrastructure and some from system administration). The shitty thing is that, despite having an awesome place to put on my CV and great recommendations from it, it's really shitty having something like: 9 months doing junior DBA in a place, 3 months doing advertising work, 9 months doing senior DBA in another place. This shows to the casual observer that I'm a shitty employee because I worked only 9 months.
University is also trying to fuck me over with paperwork that they seem to misplace and tries to bill me for the yearly fee despite being on scholarship and them owing me money (bursary).
The SLC sends me a letter telling me that they haven't received my application for funding (because even though my school is being paid for by a full-tuition scholarship I still need to fill out forms for a loan to pay the school, loan that is in turn paid for by that scholarship) even though I sent it 4 months ago. So print, fill it out and send it ASAP.
I've still got 16 days until I head home for the summer and I'm honestly curious to see what crappy things are going to happen next.
Go me!
AndrewC: ...

Now that, sir, is one shitty week. We at GoG, however, are not so treacherous, and so we stand by you. May the Emperor be with you from now on.
am going to have to drag my ass towards the voting lines tomorrow. jaay. -_-
AndrewC: Of course all good. My girlfriend decides to break up with me but we're still friends; uuuh, nice hit babe, but it was easy to see it coming so all is good despite a bad overall mood. The bad part is that this ruins all the plans I made for the summer and that I'll most likely lose a close friend (no matter how much we say we'll still be friends).

I've actually had that situation work out with us remaining friends so its not completely impossible but given the really shitty luck you've been having I'd not put money on it. Whatever you do don't go to the doctor, you'll go with a mild headache and come back with a terminal illness
Those bastards at valve have thought about this regional pricing shit. Just went to buy the metro 2033 special since it was 25 bucks but then saw it was 50 on the australian storefront. No problem I say to myself, just whack a /?cc=us on and "import" it. Bastards had thought of that, my paypal address didn't agree with my steam country selection