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MartiusR: Personally, I'm not even touching such games (I'm also not sharing nihilism and attitude, that games should depict every possible filth just because they can).
No, your just sharing stupidity called "self-righteousness" with billions of other people. Which is its own type of nihilism. It's just a porn, Christ's sake. Act like a man - if you don't like it, don't play it.
MartiusR: Personally, I'm not even touching such games (I'm also not sharing nihilism and attitude, that games should depict every possible filth just because they can).
Mafwek: No, your just sharing stupidity called "self-righteousness" with billions of other people. Which is its own type of nihilism. It's just a porn, Christ's sake. Act like a man - if you don't like it, don't play it.
Going with your logic - Act like a man and don't react like that when someone doesn't share your opinions. And adjust yourself to your hints before starting to teach someone else.
Post edited August 31, 2021 by MartiusR
Mafwek: No, your just sharing stupidity called "self-righteousness" with billions of other people. Which is its own type of nihilism. It's just a porn, Christ's sake. Act like a man - if you don't like it, don't play it.
MartiusR: Going with your logic - Act like a man and don't react like that when someone doesn't share your opinions. And adjust yourself to your hints before starting to teach someone else.
Going by your logic everybody can preach whatever they want and criticize whatever or whoever they want, so I don't see a point. Your "opinion" wants to forbid something stupid over a stupid and narcissistic reason called moral outrage, and I'm fucking tired of moral outrages over nonsenses, when there are extremely important issues at hand.

Rant over - do whatever you want.
MartiusR: Such attitude is basically eliminating any value from the "curation" of games on GOG - it doesn't show neither "liberal" method (with accepting most titles, except asset flips and other junk like that), nor "strict" one (with choosing only exceptional, high quality titles).
But that curation isn't actually really a thing here has been confirmed a long time ago. One should just call it like it is: a mess.
low rated
Mafwek: Your "opinion" wants to forbid something stupid over a stupid and narcissistic reason called moral outrage, and I'm fucking tired of moral outrages over nonsenses, when there are extremely important issues at hand.
Where did he write that he wants Subverse or similar games banned? Actually he explicitly wrote that he would be ok with Gog publishing them, it's just that he personally finds them distasteful and wonders about Gog's standards for curation, since many other games are rejected despite demand.
The real issue seems to be that many porn devotees simply can't bear anyone implying that maybe they ought to be at least a little ashamed of their porn habit.
MartiusR: Going with your logic - Act like a man and don't react like that when someone doesn't share your opinions. And adjust yourself to your hints before starting to teach someone else.
Mafwek: Going by your logic everybody can preach whatever they want and criticize whatever or whoever they want, so I don't see a point. Your "opinion" wants to forbid something stupid over a stupid and narcissistic reason called moral outrage, and I'm fucking tired of moral outrages over nonsenses, when there are extremely important issues at hand.

Rant over - do whatever you want.
You just need to re-read my first post (not just the first part), you're disputing with imaginary foe, not with what I've written.
Post edited August 31, 2021 by MartiusR
morolf: The real issue seems to be that many porn devotees simply can't bear anyone implying that maybe they ought to be at least a little ashamed of their porn habit.
I'm still laughing at your use of the term "porn devotees" :P. Sticks and stones, Kate monster!
Why don't we just go back to good old-fashioned book burnings while we're at it? I love it when people try to shove their values down other people's throats! /s
amok: if your mom is in the local area, do not click that link.
Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. :)
WinterSnowfall: I expect at some point someone will claim alien tentacle monsters are being abused in those scenes :D.
Pish posh. They're clearly consentacles! ;)
Post edited August 31, 2021 by Mr.Mumbles
MartiusR: Personally, I'm not even touching such games (I'm also not sharing nihilism and attitude, that games should depict every possible filth just because they can).

That being said, I would understand that GOG is releasing ALSO this kind of games, due to general attitude, that GOG is releasing variety of titles, to please tastes of their customers of all kind. So also those clients, who (by any possible reason) are willing to buy such games.
To be fair, you kinda do contradict yourself - first saying that games shouldn't depict "every possible filth", but then saying that customers with all kinds of tastes have a right to be satisfied. Because among the latter there are obviously those who want "filthy" things.
high rated
While not interested in the game, I'm all for GOG listing AO games in general, as long as they are properly marked of course. Let people be their own moral arbiters.

On topic of Subverse specifically, it seems to be a pretty high production value game, from a studio with a long history of these things. If anything, I'd say that this time, the GOG curation worked the way it should have. They are not letting the store be flooded by whatever shovelware porn games like on Steam and if you exclude some visual novels, this is the first one. The perfect opportunity to test the waters, so to speak.
low rated
MartiusR: Personally, I'm not even touching such games (I'm also not sharing nihilism and attitude, that games should depict every possible filth just because they can).

That being said, I would understand that GOG is releasing ALSO this kind of games, due to general attitude, that GOG is releasing variety of titles, to please tastes of their customers of all kind. So also those clients, who (by any possible reason) are willing to buy such games.
LootHunter: To be fair, you kinda do contradict yourself - first saying that games shouldn't depict "every possible filth", but then saying that customers with all kinds of tastes have a right to be satisfied. Because among the latter there are obviously those who want "filthy" things.
Accepting the fact, that all kinds of customers will be served with their preferred product, doesn't forbid me to form my opinion.

I'm not judging people who are enjoying this stuff (as I've mentioned - no matter what is the reason why someone decides to pick stuff like this). But I'm refusing to accept the position, that everything is relative and as a result, I'm not allowed to form my opinions, just because someone is buying those things.
MartiusR: I'm refusing to accept the position, that everything is relative and as a result, I'm not allowed to form my opinions, just because someone is buying those things.
But isn't it the other way around? Everything is relative and as a result, you ARE allowed to form your opinion, just like someone else is allowed to have a different opinion, even if that opinion can be disgusting from your perspective and your opinion is disgusting from another perspective.
MarkoH01: Since I think that GOG might read this thread to get some impression of how their customers are feeling about them allowing AO games here let me just say that I welcome this step.
Yeah I don't mind them either and rather have Subverse and Succubus etc. in GOG, than not having them. I will probably end up buying them anyway.

Not sure if I will like them as games, like someone said he doesn't expect games (or movies) with sex or porn to be any good, same here I guess. And I guess it is rather pointless for games to have smut as internets is full of free live porn. And I find it problematic to play them anyway with my wife and kids around.

In fact, the worst thing that could happen was that some of these smut games were actually great games, and I'd like to show them to my wife, kids and dog, even though I don't even have a dog!
I don't know much about this game, except what i skimmed through the game page but let me add my opinion.
Sure there is a lot of free stuff everywhere but if someone wants to buy something from a developer to get more such content then why shouldn't they?
There is also a lot of free games for pc with no porn but we also buy games because they might spark interest and want to see more games and reward the developer buy buying it.

If you don't want the game then don't buy it.
If the porn content is optional and not always in your face and you can choose the options you can do more power to them.
Also GOG made a filter that says if you are an adult guess with a reason.
I guess you want to buy normal games ok, but the games with porn could become something special to enhance the story or gameplay.
I don't see a reason to deny buying even such games as long as it's legal in your country to said content.
And in the end it's just fiction so i don't see why laws should deny it but there exists such countries, especially if it has no real models from the real world.
Mr.Mumbles: Pish posh. They're clearly consentacles! ;)
For the record, I had to look that up. Clearly I am not the pervert I thought I was! I will now depart in shame :P.