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low rated
kohlrak: GOG got heavily criticized for censoring games like huniepop, but not The Witcher 3. While we're at it, let's ask GOG to stop selling the witcher games since they have nudity and even sex in them. No, this isn't the wrong direction for gog, but the right one: we're removing nepotism from the catalogue one form at a time.
The Witcher games only have sex in them for the characterization of Geralt, it has a narrative function, so it's ok.
high rated
Swissy88: Turning young people into coom brains is harmful, stop being ignorant. Turning young people or adults into coom brains causes more violence than violent games, learn something.

Literally everything is designed to degenerate youths/adults, this is one of the last bastions that isn't completely consumed by it. People feeling the need to cheerlead degeneracy is mind boggling.
Degeneracy? The freedom to pursue one's own sexuality is freedom and to know more of oneself.

Your disinterest in sex is fine, but you intend to culturally castrate others. That is a nasty thing to impose upon people.
Sabin_Stargem: This is unfair, stupid, and ethically questionable.
Everything is ethically questionable, most things are stupid and nothing is unfair.
morolf: thx, so I wasn't being hyperbolic when I called Subverse a porn game. About the only thing to be said in its favour is that at least the protagonists seem to enjoy it and it doesn't feature rape or torture.
imo it's still trash though and I kind of pity people who pay money for this garbage.
You know what they say - One's man's garbage is another man's treasure.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by Mafwek
low rated
Mafwek: You know what they say - One's man's garbage is another man's treasure.
I don't agree with moral and aesthetic relativism, my taste is objectively superior to that of people who disagree with me (and no, that's not up for debate).
high rated
Mafwek: You know what they say - One's man's garbage is another man's treasure.
morolf: I don't agree with moral and aesthetic relativism, my taste is objectively superior to that of people who disagree with me (and no, that's not up for debate).
True enough - if ever there was something not worth debating it's that statement :D
low rated
Breja: True enough - if ever there was something not worth debating it's that statement :D
Yeah, sorry, I probably should stop trolling. But as long as my delusions of grandeur are limited to the Gog forum, it's not too bad imo.
low rated
kohlrak: GOG got heavily criticized for censoring games like huniepop, but not The Witcher 3. While we're at it, let's ask GOG to stop selling the witcher games since they have nudity and even sex in them. No, this isn't the wrong direction for gog, but the right one: we're removing nepotism from the catalogue one form at a time.
morolf: The Witcher games only have sex in them for the characterization of Geralt, it has a narrative function, so it's ok.
Right, because the nudity and the sex itself is important. They totally have to show the events themselves, too, instead of doing what they did with Vesna, which was loud moaning and screaming, but see that's not enough to know Geralt is a king in the bedroom, we have to actually see it thrust for thrust to really get the image in our heads. I mean, i understand all the artistic licensing they took, but not showing the characters plowin' each other would be absolutely too far with deviations from the books. I'm surprised they managed to get it down to 16 hours for The Witcher 3, tbh, and was worried all that plot was going to be cut.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by kohlrak
Lucumo: They want some of that sweet, sweet money that Steam is making with porn games. Doubt they will ever make it, considering GOG was way more puritan than Steam previously and also Steam has stuff like uncensored loli porn etc which I doubt GOG will dive into.
Yeshu: Did you miss all those "anime game" purges Steam did a while back and got tones of backlash for it?
Possibly, I don't have a Steam account after all. A quick check tells me, though, that that stuff is still available.
DrazilT: I already carry this game in my Steam library. However the propriatory format that is Steam, has it locked behind an adult only 'compartment' of Steam, as redtube is to youtube.
What proprietary format? By default the account assumes you're under 18 and filters it out but there's nothing stopping it from being found bought and played by anyone.

Also Steam asks you to verify you're 18+ same as GoG before looking at content (logged in or not) so i don't see the difference.
DrazilT: Given that GOG is primarily a website based repository. I presume at least to the eldest of it's cliental, it would draw the website more in parallel to a porn site, or as I have seen, a torrent download site.
Don't see how you come to either conclusion. Is steam drawn up as a porn site? It has FAR more adult games, or games with the AO portion removed only to have a patch or easy way to enable content.

Does the Playstation become a Porn hardware brand because adult games are on it? Sorry doesn't seem to work...
DrazilT: Beyond my own expectations of GOG's standards, this surely must seem folly as to any political/popular influences that other interests may present.

Of course within reason, I will continue to search for DRM free games first and foremost on GOG, but I have concern for the direction the company is taking.
The 'direction' they are taking. They never swore to be kid-friendly, they said they would offer DRM-free games (though multiplayer is suspect to hold DRM), they also had a $1=$1 everywhere until it was forced out. I don't recall any other clauses.

It feels like you're comparing a deck of cards, and the deck of cards can ONLY play poker-like games, but not games that include Gin Rummy or Old Maid because your expectations of the cards says you only play poker-like games.

To the same extent, a number of gas stations may have Playboy magazines for sale, does that mean every gas station is also a adult store that has a back room gloryhole or isles of movies because they have something vaguely or partially offending to you? If a theater has an R rated movie are you going to say you were betrayed because you only expected PG/PG-13 movies?

Like everything else, it often comes down to 'if you don't like it, don't buy/use it'.
low rated
Breja: I don't think that's what he meant.
:P thanks Breja.
Anyway, the only voice that would sound (if useful) is leaving a review.
GOG does not care the moral: is free to do whatever they want & whatever they consider the best to the business. And the same freedom applies to developers, publishers... and us, the customers... and if the digital world is a wild west without laws, well.. the fastest guns rule.
I sympathize with the OP and I dont aplaud the ,,innovative,, cheap trick they are holding to, but sex is a well known lucrative business (same as pleasant?!; Do you guys know the joke "what's the oldest job?") since ever and that has been an unsolved social problem. Why and how would be solved here? Supposing the guns (decision makers) are here: Censoring? Tolerance zone? Any of this rings the real life bell ,,solutions,,?
As many of the problems discused in this forum, the solution attempts involve & require multiple areas of knowledge and unfortunately I don't see many of those working, engaged, heck... at least interested.
The digital world left the -computer nerds only- domain long time ago...

[this grumpy dude leaves]
high rated
I never understand why people get this worked up about a game existing and it being sold somewhere. Even in the games industry, aren't there a thousand more important things to think about and be angry about? Its like living in a crumbling, leaking, moldy building and only caring about the color of the carpets.

Triple-A studios do sexual content magnitudes more cringe-worthy than this in non-erotic games and they get a pass. People use games as platforms to push their politics and they get a pass. Every game has its own brand of violence / non-violence and no one cares. Half of the so-called civilized world is deranged about Game of Thrones.

But somehow pixel porn is taking it too far.
Shadowstalker16: I never understand why people get this worked up about a game existing and it being sold somewhere. Even in the games industry, aren't there a thousand more important things to think about and be angry about?
Yes, there are. But here is the kicker - since those things are more important, it's less likely people will change them on a whim of a random person. With less important things, there is a possibility that your demand will be satisfied - after all those things aren't important, and changing them will calm the angry mob (or so one might think).

morolf: Well, there's always stuff like Rapelay. At least Subverse doesn't seem to have any sexual violence theme.
amok: i invite you to look at Succubus, includes the main character ripping the ..ummm... 'thingy' of male prisoners, or pulling the featus out of a womans womb and eating it, among other things.
I don't know man... I mean, eating unborn babies is pretty extreme but, as we already know, blood and killing are more acceptable than sex. So, it's hard to tell which things are more and which are less hardcore.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by LootHunter
low rated
Shadowstalker16: I never understand why people get this worked up about a game existing and it being sold somewhere. Even in the games industry, aren't there a thousand more important things to think about and be angry about? Its like living in a crumbling, leaking, moldy building and only caring about the color of the carpets.

Triple-A studios do sexual content magnitudes more cringe-worthy than this in non-erotic games and they get a pass. People use games as platforms to push their politics and they get a pass. Every game has its own brand of violence / non-violence and no one cares. Half of the so-called civilized world is deranged about Game of Thrones.

But somehow pixel porn is taking it too far.
I noticed this. These things are all ban-worthy offenses for the regular customer, but not for the developers that publish on GOG. The Witcher didn't need censorship patches, but Huniepop and a few visual novels did. You and I sure as hell can't talk politics on here without getting the ban hammer, unless we're part of hte right team, or if we're the developer of a video game sold here or staff. But, hey, remember, GOG and it's customer base are a family, and we are treated better here than we would on any other corporate site. This is all because GOG is special, and different, and unique, and the only provider of DRM-free games, the only ones who stand up for customer rights, and a whole other bunch of cow feces.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by kohlrak
Whilst I couldn’t care less about your points, I do want to ask about this:

“ Given that GOG is primarily a website based repository”
GOG is nothing of the sort, never was, never will be. It is a store, just like steam, or epic. It’s there only to make money from selling games.
high rated
Can't help but notice we're in the 21st century, yet our societies are full of sexual taboos, to a far greater extent than in the times of the Roman Empire. Just a reminder that anyone is free to practice whatever they consider adequate and limit themselves to that, but to impose "high personal moral standards" on others and calling them "degenerates" if they do not meet them is taking it too far. To each his own I say, in this as much as in anything else.

Breja: As long as the aliens and robots are all consenting adults, who cares?
I expect at some point someone will claim alien tentacle monsters are being abused in those scenes :D.

Agreed this type of content should be under an age lock of some sort, but otherwise there should be no limits beyond what is legal (just keep the furries away from me, alright? :P).
Post edited August 30, 2021 by WinterSnowfall