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TheGrimLord: And if you think a blowjob counts as hardcore sex, I don't know what to tell you. That's pretty damn basic by most standards.
I didn't say it counts as hardcore sex, I said it's too "hardcore" for GOG. Hardcore is a subjective term, games I consider too "hardcore" for my favorite generic storefront I wouldn't consider too "hardcore" for a storefront dedicated for such games.

And no, I don't consider blowjobs to be hardcore sex. You do have a tendency to twist other peoples' words, did you know that?
Softcore/Hardcore in terms of erotica traditionally means simply distinguishing between simulated and unsimulated sex acts. There's nothing subjective about that. Similarly translating it to video games language would be merely suggesting what's happening or obstructing view on strategic points vs showing everything explicitly.
ssling: Softcore/Hardcore in terms of erotica traditionally means simply distinguishing between simulated and unsimulated sex acts. There's nothing subjective about that. Similarly translating it to video games language would be merely suggesting what's happening or obstructing view on strategic points vs showing everything explicitly.
Oh come on, don't just eat up whatever wikipedia is feeding you without a thought. It's a subjective term. Besides, that's why I put it in quotes "", to underline what I meant, that it's too "hardcore" for GOG from >my point of view<.
Post edited September 08, 2022 by AustereDreamX
AustereDreamX: Oh come on, don't just eat up whatever wikipedia is feeding you without a thought. It's a subjective term. Besides, that's why I put it in quotes "", to underline what I meant, that it's too "hardcore" for GOG from >my point of view<.
Yes and no. That is literal meaning of the terms used in "official channels" by which Subverse surely contains hardcore scenes whether you consider it as such or not. I see what you meant with quotes but that's exactly the point - if you want treat it subjectively the whole discussion is entirely pointless from beginning because it will mean different thing for everyone and only generate silly arguments like "Haha, you think THIS is hardcore? What convent are you from?".

I can't imagine any better and more neutral way to set the line.
AustereDreamX: Oh come on, don't just eat up whatever wikipedia is feeding you without a thought. It's a subjective term. Besides, that's why I put it in quotes "", to underline what I meant, that it's too "hardcore" for GOG from >my point of view<.
ssling: Yes and no. That is literal meaning of the terms used in "official channels" by which Subverse surely contains hardcore scenes whether you consider it as such or not. I see what you meant with quotes but that's exactly the point - if you want treat it subjectively the whole discussion is entirely pointless from beginning because it will mean different thing for everyone and only generate silly arguments like "Haha, you think THIS is hardcore? What convent are you from?".

I can't imagine any better and more neutral way to set the line.
Maybe you're right (partially). Question is, where do we draw a line between what's subjective and what's objective? How am I supposed to talk with people about things when all I'm allowed to use are objective meanings of said "things"?

What you are wrong about is your take on what discussion is. Discussion is inherently a clash between different people's opinions. "Haha, you think THIS is hardcore? What convent are you from?" is just borderline situation and one which should simply be ignored in the course of discussion.

Feel free to disagree.

EDIT. typos
Post edited September 08, 2022 by AustereDreamX
TheGrimLord: And if you think a blowjob counts as hardcore sex, I don't know what to tell you. That's pretty damn basic by most standards.
AustereDreamX: I didn't say it counts as hardcore sex, I said it's too "hardcore" for GOG. Hardcore is a subjective term, games I consider too "hardcore" for my favorite generic storefront I wouldn't consider too "hardcore" for a storefront dedicated for such games.

And no, I don't consider blowjobs to be hardcore sex. You do have a tendency to twist other peoples' words, did you know that?
Well, I should have been a lawyer then.
TheGrimLord: And if you think a blowjob counts as hardcore sex, I don't know what to tell you. That's pretty damn basic by most standards.
"Most standards" divide porn into 2 basic types: softcore is literally just naked people, hardcore is penetration of any orifice by any means.
LegoDnD: "Most standards" divide porn into 2 basic types: softcore is literally just naked people, hardcore is penetration of any orifice by any means.
Naked people is not porn. ssling gave the correct definition of softcore and hardcore porn above. And yes, you could use the word hardcore in a subjective manner, but in context it would be like saying air hockey is a sport where you try to get air into the opponent's goal.
TheGrimLord: And if you think a blowjob counts as hardcore sex, I don't know what to tell you. That's pretty damn basic by most standards.
LegoDnD: "Most standards" divide porn into 2 basic types: softcore is literally just naked people, hardcore is penetration of any orifice by any means.
Yup, these are the standard definitions for porn and have been for a long time.
I'm bothered by the fact that there still seems to be the general notion amongst society that video games are ultimately a thing for children. Thus, things like nudity, sex, drugs, alcohol, killing women and children and who knows what else, are all considered taboo and unacceptable, simply because it's "kid stuff".

Even with games having age ratings, there still seems to be upset and outrage about games having "unacceptable" content. The fact that people keep complaining about sexual content while having no apparent problem with MOUNTAINS of violence, gore, dismemberment, chainsawing, flamethrowing, blood draining, nuking and countless other forms of death and destruction is irritating.

Even when people are okay with sex, they still complain about everything that isn't heterosexual sex. Anything related to gays or bis or trans or furries or what have you generates nonstop antagonism and complaints. Even purely optional content is too much for some people, which angers me. I can't enjoy X at all, because countless others are upset it even exists in the game. On top of which anything non-hetero is always "pandering" and "virtue signalling" and part of an "agenda".

Do others think the gaming community is more or less bigoted than the general population in terms of sexual issues in games? Why are so many people so selfish that they don't even want options to exist for people in games?