Breja: He was seduced by the dark side of the Cash. He ceased to be George Lucas and became Darth Jar-Jar. When that happened, the good man who was the creator of Star Wars was destroyed. He's more businessman now than director. Twisted and evil.
markrichardb: Selling Starwars for $4 billion and then donating the entire sum to charity was obviously just a ploy to get us to lower our guards. Soon he’ll strike.
Obviously, I was just making fun, paraphrasing Obi-Wan in context of Lucas' 180 turn on altering movies. Honestly, I don't hate Lucas, like many seem to. I hate the prequels, I hate the new editions of the original trilogy, but I don't hate him, and certainly don't really consider him "evil". At most I fingd it funny how he spent years systematically destroying his greatest creation, but the only thing I really hold against him is holding the original cut of the orignal trilogy out of circulation. If I could just go to a store and easily buy the theatrical cut of episodes IV-VI I would not care one bit what shit he pulled off in the new editions. There could be a scene of Vader and Obi-Wan having a dance-off for all I care, as long as it wasn't pushed as "the only proper version, as it was always meant to be, watch this and like it or no SW for you!"