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Deals so good, you won't want to fall asleep.
You remember back when you used to walk into a store, browse the shelves, pick out a game, and then buy it--all in the actual real world? We don't know about you, but most of us at have had our limbs atrophy to small vestigial nubbins since all of our shopping happens online these days. Of course, one thing that sometimes happens in real world stores with real world goods--particularly when they have a good sale--is that they run out of stock. Usually that means that the deal was so good that they couldn't keep up with demand.

Well, in the digital realm, this is usually pretty rare. How do you run out of stock on digital games, short of entropy devouring the universe? Well, we have gotten 101 games that will be on sale on the front page of, but the discounts are so high at the moment that we can't just sell an unlimited number of copies of these games: we are only able to sell a few at these discounts--up to 80% off--and once they're gone, they're gone.

So what games will be on sale in our Insomnia promo? Bestselling classics and new games alike. There will also occasionally be some free games in super limited numbers (like, 20 or 30 copies)--if you're fast enough on the trigger finger to pick 'em up, that is. The deal will run from now until we're out of "stock" of games for the sale, and games may show up more than once. So it's time to bathe in a tub of coffee*, dip some espresso**, snort an energy drink***, or do whatever else it takes to stay up so you don't miss out on the best deals on fantastic games on since summer.
*This is probably not a good idea
**This is definitely not a good idea
***This is totally safe, though****
Post edited November 13, 2013 by TheEnigmaticT
900 Copies??? Seriously?
Come on, Hotline Miami is an AMAZING game, but it's been on discount sales everywhere, even in a Indie Bundle, and this is 3rd round, so the potential audience is already saturated.
At this point of the sale, every game that isn't a very popular classic is potentially a Jack Keane.
Oh wow, I never even realized Hot Line Miami was on this site. It's taking every ounce of restraint and perseverance I have not to give in and finally give that game a try, but I've held out this long for Jade Empire... must... endure.
yarchum: 900 Hotline Miamis? That about does it for me. I'll just give in to somnia, and hope that Jade Empire won't breeze by while I'm in never-never-land.

Night all!
Hyvää yötä - have a good somnia.
grrrrr.. the web page froze on Geneforge and I missed Wing Commander :(
Minmataro: Cool my Riddick just finished downloading. gonna fire that up and play during the keaning.
Coelocanth: My god, the Jack Keane meme is getting old already, but this is the first time I've seen someone use 'the keaning' and I find that pretty amusing, actually. +1
Actually "the keaning" has been used for a while already.
FreDDaN: Please have Tomb Raider Trilogy on slae next, I need sleep
Yeah, waitin for same. Coulda swore it was gonna be next based on original order :(
Miamis will be a pretty hard sale it seems, especially at this count.

PS: Come on! I need someone to tell me they don't have Torchlight on GOG yet and why they want it. Don't ruin my hope to finally make someone happy too, lol.
Shendue: 900 Copies??? Seriously?
Come on, Hotline Miami is an AMAZING game, but it's been on discount sales everywhere, even in a Indie Bundle, and this is 3rd round, so the potential audience is already saturated.
At this point of the sale, every game that isn't a very popular classic is potentially a Jack Keane.
Jack Keane is a good game is just getting beat up on a little.... :)
Fictionvision: Controls are good with KB/M. Keyboard to move, mouse to aim and shoot. The game is fun and has a great soundtrack imo.

Edit: You got time to check out videos of it, this is going to take forever as it has been on sale a lot and even in a humble bundle, so the market is fairly saturated for it.
MGShogun: Thanks for letting me know. Sounds more reasonable than Retro City Rampage, which depends on the gamepad. I don't have the gamepad.
Compared to RCR, I think this game is better by a good margin.

I am a cheap bastard when it comes to buying games. I wait for sales for almost everything and the number of stuff I buy full price day 1 is in the mid to low single digits every year. I will be buying Hotline Miami 2 day 1.
MGShogun: Should I get this game? Is it any good game? How's the controls?
The controls are simple, just movement keys and aiming with the mouse. Can be a little annoying at times since it is a top down game though.

Personally I have enjoyed it a limited amounts. Some of the levels are damn infuriating. It takes practically -nothing- to kill you. A single hit in fact if I recall. As you play you unlock masks with various powers, but to be perfectly honest, there are times where I wish I coulda combined the powers of various masks.

Still, the game can be pretty enjoyable as long as you don't have to repeat the tougher levels too many times. No save feature by the way, though there is check points in a number of the levels, like when you go to a second floor.

One final thing I should note, sometimes I had to launch the game twice in order to get the sound to work.. not really sure why...
Post edited November 16, 2013 by Faeja_Vu
nijuu: For once im really disappointed in GOG. The support staff can see whats happening with the sale numbers and what is slow and whats not. I think they got this one very wrong.Sorry.
I gotta agree with you. Unless they've got some sort of set-in-stone agreement with the developers and rights-holders to run so many copies or whatever, they really needed to make some adjustments once things became more obvious.
Well, I actually am hoping this will slow things down a lot now, so I can sleep without missing anything.
Man, third pass is officially a pain in the ass.
Aquanox and Evoland are no longer left to come, both have had their last chance with a price
Russonc: Not that Hotline Miami is a bad game, I just have it already (and I am so patiently waiting for Jade Empire, which I am feeling like I will miss ...)
Brother, I'm right there with you! We can make it! We can fight! We can sit in the more and more uncomfortable chair and stare at the screen for hours and days! We *will* have that Jade Empire, dammit, WE WILL!!

... and that enthusiasm is totally not fuelled by the largest possible cup o' coffe I just ingested. Honestly :3
Post edited November 16, 2013 by DrRoxo