Knuckles_the_Echidna: Nintendo's fanbase. But it's rather about those "Nintendo only" players than "multi-platform players who are ALSO playing on some Nintendo's consoles", these folks are cool.
Basing on my experience, watching various discussions on forums, YT publications etc, I can't find more demanding, conceited and uncreative fanbase. I've experienced here the most situations, when they're authenticaly happy that you can't play on your PC/XBox/whatever in some exclusive for Nintendo's consoles. And they're authenticaly angry when something is not anymore "N" exclusive and declaring that this title/developer has "lower" status.
I've also watched really sad and hilarious at the same time (what a paradox) reactions of Nintendo's fanbase, when it came out that Capcom is not going anymore to pay too much attention to Nintendo's consoles in case of Resident Evil series (newer games and remakes from RE series recently weren't published on "N" consoles). Seriously, some accusations that they're obliged to make exclusives for Nintendo's consoles, and that they're "giving them a chance" to reedem ("just make for us WiiU version of recent remakes and one exclusive!)... Seriously, I've never found anyone from other fanbase, who would present such immature approach.
Not to mention about their approach to such things as emulation - ban it! ban it! It's piracy!
Oh, and it's not only Nintendo's policy (I know their official statement), Nintendo's fanbase is presenting the same approach. It's not excactly about being fair (emulation by itself is not illegal), it's rather about their "elitism" I've mentioned earlier.
I know that you can find people with elements of behaviours I've mentioned also in case of other platform/company fanbase. But I've never found it in such density and intensity as in case of Nintendo's fanbase.
On the one hand your arguements are reasonable.
But on the other hand I call your arguements against Nintendo into question since your avatar and name mabye indicitive that you are a SEGA fanboy :P
Elmofongo: The thing is I did gave this game a chance. I watched Spoony's stream of it (Caught it just when it began)
And I just got bored as he did. And everyone is overhyping the skeleton characters.
And one of the Twitter responses to Spoony was along these lines "Its saddnes me that Spoony just cannot find his inner childhood when playing Undertale"
His childhood was the Ultima games :P
P1na: Still nothing to do with the fanbase. As for giving a chance, I feel this game has a lot to do with own decisions, choice and consequence, and as such the feeling of playing it should be quite different from just watching it. Then again, I don't get streaming to begin with; I have too many games to play on my backlog to watch someone else play one for me. But whatever rocks your boat.
And of course the fanbase is obviously just another case of Internet culture showing its ugly head.
Proclaiming this game to be the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME when it is still new and unproven to be the case? And I question how long this 1 game will leave that much of a legacy. I mean the only legacy I can give to Braid for example is that it started the whole Indie Gaming craze and that's less to do with the game itself.