amok: to the same people as before - Perfect World Entertainment. That has not changed.
Gurlok: So no money to runic games, uh? Now I don't know what to do anymore :/ . If only we could pay the game directly to them...
it would not have got there anyway. or more correctly, the developers got salary when making the game, and Perfect World Entertainment would then get the profits after sale. it's kind of how it works when you get bought up.
edit - basically, this has not changed anything in this regard
edit II - or another way to see it, Runic already got paid for the game. so the correct way to put it would be " So no
more money to runic games, uh?" (as they no longer draw any salary, nor get any potential bonuses)
edit III - and frankly, it would still be hypocritical
NOT paying for the game (the "other means" option) due to this, as in the end this was Runic's choice and Perfect World Entertainment did make the game happen. They did after all finance its creation and took the risk for it.