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AlienMind: insanes.
not a real word
AlienMind: insanes.
tinyE: not a real word
engrish lives, monochromated oxford gatekeeper doll ;)
edit: Nevermind...
Post edited November 04, 2017 by drmike
high rated
Djaron: so, PLEASE, dont compare runic games folks with people who were behind rime..
Starmaker: Lol, you're one of them gators, whan happened to not bringing politics into art?

Runic devs are better people, but Rime is a much better game. I bought Hob at the earliest opportunity, tried playing it and ragequit after the tutorial. Now that Runic is closed, my post can't hurt them financially, so calm your tits.
That you, as you put it yourself, "ragequit after the tutorial" tells more about yourself rather than the quality of the game. Not sure what kind of problem you had with it, but Hob is a good game. According to Steam ratings and Metacritic, Rime and Hob were about equally well received, so it mostly comes down to personal preferences. ( And at that point, the price as well as the behavior of the devs/publisher could be a factor. )
AlienMind: insanes.
tinyE: not a real word
But you're from the US -- you're not in a position to judge what is or isn't a proper English word. :P
Post edited November 04, 2017 by CharlesGrey
tinyE: not a real word
CharlesGrey: But you're from the US -- you're not in a position to judge what is or isn't a proper English word. :P
This made me chuckle. :D
Jacob_1994: Should I get HOB or is it safe?
Starmaker: 1. Considering the game didn't change hands, it's probably safe for now.
2. Get Rime instead, it's much better.
That's certainly subjective. I found HOB to be an awesome (if flawed) experience that I happily played through to the end, and will probably play again at some point. RiME on the other hand, I found thoroughly boring and quit playing after a couple of hours.
Things like this make me glad I don't follow closely the goings-on of the game development and publishing side of this hobby. I'd find the whole thing a bit of a let-down for a pastime that I really enjoy.

That said, when given the opportunity to be bought out by a larger company and hand over control, well, you're handing over control. Never sell out your passions.
F4LL0UT: Still, it's sad to see the studio go as they seem to be pretty great guys. Hope nobody there won't have any trouble finding a new job and that the games will remain available.
Lead Animator from Runic got 37 email job offers in 1 day! He shared the info on Twitter:
Hmmm, their store appears to still be open:

edit: I have to wonder how many of their employees are now jaded with the industry and will look for something outside the field.
Post edited November 05, 2017 by drmike
What a sad news...loved both torchlight and torchlight 2. HOB wasn't my cup of tea, but I was still interested due to the story and design.

Hope they will come back soon, or at least, all of them being able to find a job.
tinyE: Thank god I finally got around to buying TL 2 here.
Why? If you go to the runic site they've got a deal worked out with GOG to give away free copies for anybody that originally bought through them. I just claimed my copy here. Or over at Humble if you bought more recently.
Post edited November 06, 2017 by hedwards
Gurlok: HOB wasn't my cup of tea, but I was still interested due to the story and design.
I just haven't bought it because at the time I had quite a bit of expenses to account for in the real world, and after that the usual massive backlog looming. Now that Runic is no more, don't expect me to pony up more than a fiver for it.
Gurlok: HOB wasn't my cup of tea, but I was still interested due to the story and design.
Mr.Mumbles: I just haven't bought it because at the time I had quite a bit of expenses to account for in the real world, and after that the usual massive backlog looming. Now that Runic is no more, don't expect me to pony up more than a fiver for it.
Sadly the massive backlog is a problem we share in common...heck, I just started grim dawn a week ago, despite buying it back in the 2016.

To whom the money would go, should I buy HOB now?
tinyE: Thank god I finally got around to buying TL 2 here.
hedwards: Why? If you go to the runic site they've got a deal worked out with GOG to give away free copies for anybody that originally bought through them. I just claimed my copy here. Or over at Humble if you bought more recently.
Hmmm, I wish I'd known that before. :P

Oh well, I'll live.
AlienMind: Releasing a free to play game (Gigantic) exclusively on Windows 10 store.
Gigantic isn't exclusive to Windows 10 store. It's also on Steam and Arc, and runs on anything from Windows 7 and up.