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i won't say much more than the fact i'm very very super angry and upset right now
for obvious reasons
high rated
Jacob_1994: Should I get HOB or is it safe?
Starmaker: 1. Considering the game didn't change hands, it's probably safe for now.
2. Get Rime instead, it's much better.
Please, do me a favor
and DONT compare devs from Runic games (who created awesome games, drm free from the start, that also included perfectly functional LAN modes and had very respectful/friendly attitude towards customers and player...)

with devs from Rime, the kind of people who were overly paranoid enough to overkill their whole denuvo protection into 300 000 online trigger call PER HOUR at launch, up to crushing their own game's performance and experience for LEGIT customers, snarkingly dismissing/badmouthing DRM-Free market and customers, only to back pedal and remove their crap afterwards to crawl with tail between their legs here to sell their stuff once they brought upon themselves a disastrous launch

so, PLEASE, dont compare runic games folks with people who were behind rime.. it's insulting ! it's insulting for the ones who lost their job, it's insulting for the kind of people we were trying to do good games in a way that was respectful of customers/players in a current world of trendy mobile-gaming business scheme, lootboxes, micro purchases and such..
It's also insulting for players who were customers of Runic Games products as well...

i tried to remain silently and quietly angry... up until i could read THAT !
Starmaker: 1. Considering the game didn't change hands, it's probably safe for now.
2. Get Rime instead, it's much better.
Djaron: Please, do me a favor
and DONT compare devs from Runic games (who created awesome games, drm free from the start, that also included perfectly functional LAN modes and had very respectful/friendly attitude towards customers and player...)

with devs from Rime, the kind of people who were overly paranoid enough to overkill their whole denuvo protection into 300 000 online trigger call PER HOUR at launch, up to crushing their own game's performance and experience for LEGIT customers, snarkingly dismissing/badmouthing DRM-Free market and customers, only to back pedal and remove their crap afterwards to crawl with tail between their legs here to sell their stuff once they brought upon themselves a disastrous launch

so, PLEASE, dont compare runic games folks with people who were behind rime.. it's insulting ! it's insulting for the ones who lost their job, it's insulting for the kind of people we were trying to do good games in a way that was respectful of customers/players in a current world of trendy mobile-gaming business scheme, lootboxes, micro purchases and such..
It's also insulting for players who were customers of Runic Games products as well...

i tried to remain silently and quietly angry... up until i could read THAT !
rime is a really, really good game, though.
DivisionByZero.620: Unlikely that (the highly successful) Runic Games would just close up shop. They most likely threw in the towel because of an unpalatable demand from Perfect World (China's own version of EA or Ubi)

I completely expect to see an always-online Torchlight 3 with loot boxes and crap up next.

The main mistake Runic Games made: Failed MMO bid. Indie developers should generally stay away from "making MMOs" because of the large investment and ongoing required.

No idea how many of you have heard of an all too forgotten (and surprisingly good) open world game called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It could easily have competed with the Elder Scrolls or Witcher series. Instead, the developer used most of the revenue from Reckoning to make an MMO sequel. The MMO never made it to market, and the developer folded soon after. The IP rights have been tied up ever since, preventing a sequel or further improvement.
yep, KoR: Amalur was a stunningly great single player offline action rpg...
i was so sad that it "failed", or rather that its devs went overboard
also... would be beyond greatness if GOG would happen to "get" it on its catalog, as EA so far is being somehow "nice" with GOG with their back catalog of old games
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Sad... Torchlight were some of the best diablo clones out there (if not the best). Also, great company and great service, plus one of the few to offer at gog the exact same generous deals, like in steam... You will be greatly missed...
best diablo clone for obvious reason :) as in "because people who made diablo 2 as a good game were in fact the people in Runic to begin with..." (along with the guy who made Fate, too, which was a good H&S in its old time, with refreshing ideas that were, in fact, in torchlight games, and sometimes were "cuplicated" in other H&S afterwards)

i mean, lets face it: Diablo 3 has taken a very singular direction since D2 time and since the core of blizznorth's creative minds (aka: runic games founders) left.

So far, on the H&S market, the 3 main solid titles (or devs) were:
Runic / Torchlight
people who changed names, but brought Titan Quest and GrimDawn
and GGG, with their Path of Exile

each three of those H&S games or series clearly fills in one specific need an dpart of the whole H&S market and they fill it perfectly
Post edited November 04, 2017 by Djaron
Djaron: best diablo clone for obvious reason :) as in "because people who made diablo 2 as a good game were in fact the people in Runic to begin with..." (along with the guy who made Fate, too, which was a good H&S in its old time, with refreshing ideas that were, in fact, in torchlight games, and sometimes were "cuplicated" in other H&S afterwards)

i mean, lets face it: Diablo 3 has taken a very singular direction since D2 time and since the core of blizznorth's creative minds (aka: runic games founders) left.

So far, on the H&S market, the 3 main solid titles (or devs) were:
Runic / Torchlight
people who changed names, but brought Titan Quest and GrimDawn
and GGG, with their Path of Exile

each three of those H&S games or series clearly fills in one specific need an dpart of the whole H&S market and they fill it perfectly
Diablo 3 doesn't even feel like Diablo anyway. The alpha version was scratched and it was made anew. All good elements from 2 were abolished and gameplay, as well as core mechanisms (like character build), were oversimplified and consolified... But the real "horror" was its atmosphere. Any old Diablo fan feels at home inside a game like Grim Dawn, while like a fish outside water, inside a broken mess like Diablo 3. Diablo 3 is a misnomer, actually, for those who played and enjoyed the grandfathers of the genre; let alone, an insult to the older titles. Games like Torchlight, Path of Exile and Grim Dawn, are "more diablo", on the other hand!

Plus, i am always sad whenever i see people with talent and inspiration disband; while amoral profiteers who were made big by aforementioned people, prosper, especially after shoo-ing such wonderful people away (blizz)!
Post edited November 04, 2017 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
Djaron: so, PLEASE, dont compare runic games folks with people who were behind rime..
Lol, you're one of them gators, whan happened to not bringing politics into art?

Runic devs are better people, but Rime is a much better game. I bought Hob at the earliest opportunity, tried playing it and ragequit after the tutorial. Now that Runic is closed, my post can't hurt them financially, so calm your tits.

addendum, because *I'm* angry now:

In fact, even though Rime devs are hypocritical / deluded fuck sausages, whom have they wronged? They released a faulty product, unburdened by preorder scams, on Steam, aka the platform where you can get a no questions asked refund for a faulty product. Depending on how profits were split, Tequila suits either screwed the workers or themselves. But they haven't hurt customers.
Post edited November 04, 2017 by Starmaker
Will THQNordic rescue the Torchlight games?
Leucius: Runic, I love you. Come back reincarnated in a self publishing form.
Its already been reincarnated in March 2014
Post edited November 04, 2017 by Matruchus
Leucius: Runic, I love you. Come back reincarnated in a self publishing form.
Matruchus: Its already been reincarnated in March 2014
Hmm somehow I missed this. This must have been prepped in advance, and why the founders left after Hob was mostly completed.


EDIT wait what? 2014? WHAT?!? Where have I been? Oh that's right, up until this past year, I was still suffering a ton of symptoms and not remembering much.

(Still have symptoms but I sort of have my memory back :P )
Post edited November 04, 2017 by Leucius
amrit9037: Will THQNordic rescue the Torchlight games?
They'd have to grovel (or pay) Perfect World, as apparently they still owns the Runic IP's.
Leucius: Hmm somehow I missed this. This must have been prepped in advance, and why the founders left after Hob was mostly completed.

Well you probably know them as the devs of
I have read an article about the founders of Runic Games. They said that they left Blizzard and founded Runic because they like working in small studios with low budget. They also stated that in case Runic gets big, they will left it and found a new game studio, where they will begin anew.

Maybe this is what will happen now, so I think there is no need to worry :).
Mah feels.

Can't say that I cared much for that studio. Torchlight went in an entirely different direction than I would have wanted a "true Diablo successor from some of the original creators" to go and didn't keep me engaged for long, didn't bother playing Torchlight 2 and HOB failed to catch my interest in any way. Still, it's sad to see the studio go as they seem to be pretty great guys. Hope nobody there won't have any trouble finding a new job and that the games will remain available.
F4LL0UT: Mah feels.

Can't say that I cared much for that studio. Torchlight went in an entirely different direction than I would have wanted a "true Diablo successor from some of the original creators" to go and didn't keep me engaged for long, didn't bother playing Torchlight 2 and HOB failed to catch my interest in any way. Still, it's sad to see the studio go as they seem to be pretty great guys. Hope nobody there won't have any trouble finding a new job and that the games will remain available.
Torchlight 2 is pretty much a new game from Torchlight 1, it only kept the pet and art aspects... the rest feel new and different.
Releasing a free to play game (Gigantic) exclusively on Windows 10 store.
Sorry, but the publisher is helmed by insanes.
Post edited November 04, 2017 by AlienMind