Posted March 09, 2016
HunchBluntley: Those synopses make too much sense. Behold the glory of my entirely random short story (apart from the pen name -- which, as far as I can tell, has no option to be randomly determined [EDIT: Well, apart from the separate pen name generator. :P])! It's like bad fan fiction without any pre-existing characters!
I'm pretty sure 'Down to Earth Owls' Is going to be the name of my future prog-bluegrass-alt-pop band.
Unbelievable. I haven't laughed this hard in ages. I'm pretty sure 'Down to Earth Owls' Is going to be the name of my future prog-bluegrass-alt-pop band.
"They looked at each other with irritable feelings, like two diced, dry donkeys swimming at a very intelligent Valentine's meal, which had drum and bass music playing in the background and two caring uncles sitting to the beat.
I find myself annoyed at how annoyingly conventional most plots and descriptions truly are.