Wrath-Amon: USA took Trump as the president and Russia has Putin as an emperor, now tell me that building city around old war nuke is not realistic? And if u dont remember I will refresh ur mind. That nuke WASNT active. And this whole Tempenni quest was very very fine. Moira turning ghoul... sweeet. Now take a look at Old World Blues - total delusional bullcrap.
I bet I played Fallout 2 since release much more than u and I dont say that its a big deal for me about pop-culture refrences, its about how they serve these dishes. NV world in my case feels silly, compared to F2. And as I mentioned before NV filled with Grand Pianos in the bushes and its just plain stupid. If u like NV, wanna pray to Obsidian, its ur choice, but definetly not mine. In F3 and so on, I cant kill kids and that another bad decision. All these lil pieces break the immersion.
I dont say NV is bad, I just like it less than F3. I like F4 since I can build my own concetration camp and as RPG shooter its just nice. NV has lot of SEPARATED stories and quest lines that feel segmented, like Im playing some kind of MMORPG where I should complete all quests for current zone

Memecchi: "now tell me that building city around old war nuke is not realistic?"
This has been discussed to death, no, is an utterly stupid placement for your settlement, literally *any* Washington DC ruin would be way more safe, and without the risk of the Lone wanderer coming to blow it up.
And no, the nuke is still operational... that's the point of disarming it.
"Now take a look at Old World Blues - total delusional bullcrap"
Don't play that DLC then?
"NV world in my case feels silly, compared to F2"
New vegas doesn't shove its pop references in your face (well, unless you take the Wild wasteland perk), so if breaking immersion bothers you that much, NV is the clear winner here lol
"NV has lot of SEPARATED stories and quest lines"
Except NV is actually pretty cohesive and many side quests affect others, the level of C&C is one of its highlights I'd say
You can like whatever you want, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! But yeah, the way I see it, you just dislike New vegas' aesthetic and setting, and that's fine
Fact 1:
Megaton city was created in the crater of crashed plain, wich carried nuke. First settlers was those ppl, who tried to get inside closest vault and they found find a shelter inside this crater from sand storms. Then comes cult of the nuke, then comes settlement around it. Totally fine. It looks like u're one of the ppl who dont read dialogs and just follow the mainstream mantra NV IS BEST, NV IS BRILLIANT. Ppl pretty often create cults in underdeveloped society. Its like creating cult of Fallout New Vegas and praying to Obsiodian. :) Its funny to see how some NV fans say that Megaton is dumb and join Legion, wich idea in postapocaliptic world WAAAAAAAY more dumber. Hard to see flaws in wat u love, eh?
Fact 2:
Old World Blues is part of the game, since its OFFICIAL DLC, not some TES mod. And its completely out of setting. Nope, thx. Its like Obsidian crying and sreaming to your face: "LOOK, YOU NEVER SAW ANYTHING LIKE DIS! NEW BRIGHT IDEA!" Whole time playing NV I felt like reading Warhammer End times. See these bushes? Grand piano always near...
Fact 3:
Cohesive? For me its more like, get into location - made quests in there, never come here again. Its like first village and the prison. Sure, after completing quests u will hear few dialogue lines in some locations, but overall the quest line locations feel spearated. I love how in F4 you could revisit old locations with radiant quests and in F3 for example slaver chain line would drag u through whole territory. Its like world of warcraft after few DLC: u have location - u have few quests in there. Complete them and move on, while in vanilla WoW in 2005 a lot of quests require u to carry ur ass all across the world.
P.S. i like setting. I dont have anything against. I don't like it when something is too far fetched. And its all about F:NV. Though I bought F:NV and all DLC and beat it. It was fun, but kinda mediocore expirience.
Now about Outer Worlds. Though I already got refund and kinda "exchanged" this game on to Metro Exodus. It suffers from some similar diseases. Though to mention last half of the game is boring to death and feels like developers were in a hurry and cut good portion of content