Reaper9988: I don't see much of a problem either.
There is indeed a big problem here, which is this: GOG putting AO-type warnings onto this game even though it's not actually an AO-rated game, needlessly gives this game a
huge stigma, which in turn will needlessly decrease sales of the game directly due to that same stigma that GOG applied to it.
And that might result in the other SK games never coming here as a direct consequence of GOG having needlessly applied an unwarranted stigma onto this game.
It's the same exact reason why Hollywood almost never releases films that are rated NC-17, or X, or XX, or XXX. Instead, Hollywood will submit their films to a rating board before the films are released, and then if they get any rating that is higher than the rating they want for that film, of which R is almost always the highest rating they would possibly accept, then they re-edit the film and re-submit until it gets a lower rating.
Why do they do that? Solely in order to avoid the stigma, and the lost sales that will come with that stigma.
By GOG slapping AO warnings onto the non-AO game Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, it's akin to as if Hollywood producers had made sure their films conform to an R-rating, and it received an R-rating from the official ratings board (which is equivalent to an M rating for games from the ESRB), but then the film theaters who show the film, in other words, the distributors, of which GOG is equivalent to when it comes to this game, arbitrarily decided to change the rating, and to give it an NC-17 or an X rating even though the ratings board said it doesn't warrant a rating that high.
But of course, film distributors would never do such a thing in real-life. I'm just using this is an example to show how & why that yes, GOG mislabeling --- and therefore stigmatizing --- non-AO games
as if they are AO games is indeed a big problem.
Having said all that, I do not have a problem with GOG warning GOG's customers that these games have risque and M-rated content.
But if GOG wants to warn people about this game's content in a sensible & ethical way, then they should just directly copy and paste, verbatim, the ESRB and the PEGI ratings, and also their text descriptors of the game's content as written by ESRB and PEGI, onto the GOG store page, as quotations.
That way, GOG would not be meddling with the established ratings system, and GOG would not be taking matters into their own hands and re-rating the game with an inappropriately-high rating (i.e. GOG arbitrarily and incorrectly implying the game is AO, rather than what it actually is, which is M).