Let us stop and take a minute to review the Code Of Conduct:
Always treat others with kindness and respect, even if you don’t agree with them.
Stay on topic, don’t intentionally derail threads, don’t troll, don’t spam.
Use appropriate language.
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We don’t tolerate hate speech, intimidation, harassment, sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs, and discrimination.
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Any kind of encouragement towards taking drugs or drinking alcohol.
Creating multiple accounts.
Posting something that is knowingly false.
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Threats of violence, harassment or privacy breach - even as a joke.
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Use of language that is abusive, vulgar, hateful, defamatory, obscene, profane, threatening, privacy-invasive, or law-violating.
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Taking any other actions that are deemed inappropriate by GOG at our sole discretion.
Political discussions not related to a video game are not permitted. Threads created exclusively to talk about politics will be locked. Users who ignore this rule repeatedly will be met with moderation.
Okay, so already many of us are in fair violation of these terms. Not only General, but also the intolerable rules. I have not personally read many of these, so I am doing so now. Mainly, topic needs to stick to the game and be respectful. So even bringing up these kinds of arguments regarding these games and politics in general is against the rules here. I didn't know that. Technically, these kinds of conversation have no place in the forums. I apologize for any threats, harsh language and political debate here, which were all against the rules.