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Join Sophie, a private investigator, as she uncovers the mysteries of Steam City.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 40% off until 11th February 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
Gersen: You mean getting a warning from a mod for doing something against the forum rules.... what kind of crazy dystopia the Gog forum have become!!!
Breja: You really don't see how backwards it is they are selling a game that violates they're own rules for discussion? You don't think that rules of the forum and rules of the store shouldn't be in conflict?
You mean like with Tonight We Riot or Through The Darkest of Times, that had political themes, even politics discussions are forbidden on this forum? Can you remind me - were you objecting that time?
Post edited February 08, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
LootHunter: Okay, I agree with the last part. Some heads-up about anti-straight bigotry in Dreamfall: Chapters would also be nice.

Still, you haven't answer the question - if sex scenes in Detective Girl diddn't include rape, would you still claim that it's a porn game, unlike Witcher, even for both games sex scenes are a small part of content and gameplay?
Hikage1983: He will never reply to that. Just like he has been avoiding any discussion regarding violence in videogames.
In the end what i see here is 1-2 ppl (and one persistant troll) who are delusional and thus incapable of distinguishing real persons from fictional and want to enforce their distorted worldview on others in the form of harassment.

I'd be happy to discuss the "harmlessness" of videogame violence, but I suspect you have zero interest in doing so. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
low rated
TheGrimLord: You can piss on people and shoot unarmed people in Postal 2. You can also beat them to death and we sell that here.
bombardier: Postal is that from the start and is advertised as such. It didn't start as a Stardew Valley and got clandestinely patched to become Postal.

To tell you truth, now that I know the real story behind these games they are even more terrifying. Not in the state that games are terrifying, but in what kind of decisions humans need to make to come to the point where they need to lie about their product to get them to the store and later change it to something like this.

I work in security and I am really fascinated with such devious plans.
What I appreciate even more is that they managed to gather an army of followers that will see nothing problematic in such behavior and will do their bidding when covering for them.

Kind of like cult behavior. :)
What the fuck? You thought because it didn't look threatening it was for kids or something? Okay, you're an old man threatened by this content. So just ignore it. Go on about your day. It is not going to go away and there are plenty of fans and supporters that GOG just didn't go find somewhere. It started with Succubus (which actually has worse shit than most of these hentai games, you can tear the fetus out of a pregnant woman) and eventually the hentai was coming. But we have always been here, there have always been a lot of anime games that we like to buy and a lot of us do like this content as well.
low rated
LootHunter: Still, you haven't answer the question - if sex scenes in Detective Girl diddn't include rape, would you still claim that it's a porn game, unlike Witcher, even for both games sex scenes are a small part of content and gameplay?
Of course. As pointed by people in the know, porn scenes in this game have nothing whatsoever with the plot. They are here to have unrelated porn content.

I don't know of any more clearer definition of a porn.
low rated
Hikage1983: He will never reply to that. Just like he has been avoiding any discussion regarding violence in videogames.
In the end what i see here is 1-2 ppl (and one persistant troll) who are delusional and thus incapable of distinguishing real persons from fictional and want to enforce their distorted worldview on others in the form of harassment.
richlind33: O'Really?

I'd be happy to discuss the "harmlessness" of videogame violence, but I suspect you have zero interest in doing so. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Okay, so you're against violence in games too? What the fuck are you even doing here then? Yes, there are violent and sexy games just like there are violent and sexy movies and books. I'm sorry, but the rest of the country is not gonna live by your moralistic bullshit. We're not a totalitarian nation.
low rated
Hikage1983: He will never reply to that. Just like he has been avoiding any discussion regarding violence in videogames.
In the end what i see here is 1-2 ppl (and one persistant troll) who are delusional and thus incapable of distinguishing real persons from fictional and want to enforce their distorted worldview on others in the form of harassment.
richlind33: O'Really?

I'd be happy to discuss the "harmlessness" of videogame violence, but I suspect you have zero interest in doing so. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I have plenty interest believe me. Earlier you said that rape could be normalised through its usage in videogames yes?
Pray tell, how long has it been a plot mechanic in literature? Did those books turn throngs of men into rapists?
On the flipside violence has long been normalised in all media. I sure as hell did not see an uproar when you could shoot women in the face in GTA or when you could rip their spines out in Mortal Kombat (except for that pathetic "uproar" in the 90s).
So, if violence in videogames has provenly not turned players into mass murderers, why do you insist that situations of rape (and sex in general) in fictional settings are a menace?
Post edited February 08, 2022 by Hikage1983
low rated
TheGrimLord: What the fuck? You thought because it didn't look threatening it was for kids or something? Okay, you're an old man threatened by this content. So just ignore it. Go on about your day. It is not going to go away and there are plenty of fans and supporters that GOG just didn't go find somewhere. It started with Succubus (which actually has worse shit than most of these hentai games, you can tear the fetus out of a pregnant woman) and eventually the hentai was coming. But we have always been here, there have always been a lot of anime games that we like to buy and a lot of us do like this content as well.
I guess you guys are the perfect customers for Bill Hiks version of Coca Cola commercial.
low rated
Gersen: In your extract there is no mention at all of fiction at all. Again if you look in the article for homicide there will be no mention of fiction either, it doesn't means that the law doesn't make a difference between fictional murder and real one.
toma85: Well... you seem not to understand your laws then. See, for example here:

English short translation:

A 31-old person in Zurich was sentenced because of "vile manga pornos". Two days in prison and a 18000 Swiss francs fine.
And in many Middle East countries there is a death penalty for homosexuality. So what?
low rated
richlind33: O'Really?

I'd be happy to discuss the "harmlessness" of videogame violence, but I suspect you have zero interest in doing so. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Hikage1983: I have plenty interest believe me. Earlier you said that rape could be normalised through its usage in videogames yes?
Pray tell, how long has it been a plot mechanic in literature? Did those books turn throngs of men into rapists?
On the flipside violence has long been normalised in all media. I sure as hell did not see an uproar when you could shoot women in the face in GTA or when you could rip their spines out in Mortal Kombat (except for that pathetic "uproar" in the 90s).
So, if violence in videogames has provenly not turned players into mass murderers, why do you insist that situations of rape in fictional settings are a menace?
You seem clueless as to just how violent this world is. Women and children are still treated like shit in a great many places, and there is nothing to indicate that we will soon outgrow our tolerance for the war industry. I would argue that we have been desensitized to the point that sociopathy is being normalized, which is something that should concern anyone who isn't so inclined.

The only way you can honestly know if something like this is truly harmless is by self-observation, and how many of us are willing to do that for the sake of an argument?
low rated
Deleted due to violating CoC.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Hikage1983: I have plenty interest believe me. Earlier you said that rape could be normalised through its usage in videogames yes?
Pray tell, how long has it been a plot mechanic in literature? Did those books turn throngs of men into rapists?
On the flipside violence has long been normalised in all media. I sure as hell did not see an uproar when you could shoot women in the face in GTA or when you could rip their spines out in Mortal Kombat (except for that pathetic "uproar" in the 90s).
So, if violence in videogames has provenly not turned players into mass murderers, why do you insist that situations of rape in fictional settings are a menace?
richlind33: You seem clueless as to just how violent this world is. Women and children are still treated like shit in a great many places, and there is nothing to indicate that we will soon outgrow our tolerance for the war industry. I would argue that we have been desensitized to the point that sociopathy is being normalized, which is something that should concern anyone who isn't so inclined.

The only way you can honestly know if something like this is truly harmless is by self-observation, and how many of us are willing to do that for the sake of an argument?
Let me tell you from observing my own self then. Doom did not make me go buy a double barreled shotgun in search of hellspawn and the vast number of anime games and eroge i have completed have not turned me into a sexual deviant either in all my decades of life.

i am well aware of the violence of this world. Difference is, i do not blame videogames for it. or any other media for that matter. Humans have the choice to be good or evil. I do not assume moral guardianship over anyone.
low rated
bombardier: Postal is that from the start and is advertised as such. It didn't start as a Stardew Valley and got clandestinely patched to become Postal.

To tell you truth, now that I know the real story behind these games they are even more terrifying. Not in the state that games are terrifying, but in what kind of decisions humans need to make to come to the point where they need to lie about their product to get them to the store and later change it to something like this.

I work in security and I am really fascinated with such devious plans.
What I appreciate even more is that they managed to gather an army of followers that will see nothing problematic in such behavior and will do their bidding when covering for them.

Kind of like cult behavior. :)
TheGrimLord: What the fuck? You thought because it didn't look threatening it was for kids or something? Okay, you're an old man threatened by this content. So just ignore it. Go on about your day. It is not going to go away and there are plenty of fans and supporters that GOG just didn't go find somewhere. It started with Succubus (which actually has worse shit than most of these hentai games, you can tear the fetus out of a pregnant woman) and eventually the hentai was coming. But we have always been here, there have always been a lot of anime games that we like to buy and a lot of us do like this content as well.
If you're GOG's preferred demographic, I'm going to enjoy making them publicly embrace you.
low rated
LootHunter: Still, you haven't answer the question - if sex scenes in Detective Girl diddn't include rape, would you still claim that it's a porn game, unlike Witcher, even for both games sex scenes are a small part of content and gameplay?
bombardier: Of course. As pointed by people in the know, porn scenes in this game have nothing whatsoever with the plot. They are here to have unrelated porn content.

I don't know of any more clearer definition of a porn.
By that definition sex with prostitutes in Witcher and Cyberpunk make those porn games. Again, your attitude towards adult content is anything but consistent.
low rated
TheGrimLord: What the fuck? You thought because it didn't look threatening it was for kids or something? Okay, you're an old man threatened by this content. So just ignore it. Go on about your day. It is not going to go away and there are plenty of fans and supporters that GOG just didn't go find somewhere. It started with Succubus (which actually has worse shit than most of these hentai games, you can tear the fetus out of a pregnant woman) and eventually the hentai was coming. But we have always been here, there have always been a lot of anime games that we like to buy and a lot of us do like this content as well.
richlind33: If you're GOG's preferred demographic, I'm going to enjoy making them publicly embrace you.
Another fucking threat? That's all you've got. But you're just a punk behind a keyboard.
low rated
richlind33: You seem clueless as to just how violent this world is. Women and children are still treated like shit in a great many places, and there is nothing to indicate that we will soon outgrow our tolerance for the war industry. I would argue that we have been desensitized to the point that sociopathy is being normalized, which is something that should concern anyone who isn't so inclined.

The only way you can honestly know if something like this is truly harmless is by self-observation, and how many of us are willing to do that for the sake of an argument?
Hikage1983: Let me tell you from observing my own self then. Doom did not make me go buy a double barreled shotgun in search of hellspawn and the vast number of anime games and eroge i have completed have not turned me into a sexual deviant either in all my decades of life.

i am well aware of the violence of this world. Difference is, i do not blame videogames for it. or any other media for that matter. Humans have the choice to be good or evil. I do not assume moral guardianship over anyone.
You're talking like you think there's a single cause for it. There isn't. There are a multitude of reasons for why we are where we are, and desensitization is one of them. No, violent videogames didn't turn you into a serial killer, but no credible psychologist has ever claimed that they do. That's a strawman used by industries that have profited enormously from peddling media saturated with violence, because just like sex, violence also sells lots and lots of product. All of this relates to brain chemistry as well, not just psychology, and loot boxes are another way to maximize the maximization of profits that have long since passed the point of being obscene.

richlind33: If you're GOG's preferred demographic, I'm going to enjoy making them publicly embrace you.
TheGrimLord: Another fucking threat? That's all you've got. But you're just a punk behind a keyboard.
It's a promise, not a threat.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by richlind33