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Dive into the classic hardcore fantasy action-adventure with unique combat mechanics and role-playing elements. The re-release of Blade of Darkness, a true genre-defining game is now live on GOG, with widescreen support, new display settings, improved stability, and much more!

Users who own the original game on GOG, get the new version for FREE!
I must understand that the savegames are cmpatible with those from the demo or the Original game. Aren't they?
Very nice, thank you for providing it free to previous owners of the original version!
Whelp, even though I have an original boxed version and never got the old GoG release, I'm still willing to yoink this up asap!


So glad to have both *AAA-level classics in my library now first LOK and now this!

*NOTE: I know they were never AAA releases, but they are as big as a AAA game for some...

M3troid: controller support?
No, but there's Joy2Key and reWSAD that both cost $7... $25 for an advanced version of reWSAD.

EDIT: Thanks to Paladin, you can bypass those other two links and get Antimicro for free! I don't know why I quit going to sourceforge, looks like I'm going to have to do more shopping there again for my progs!
Post edited October 08, 2021 by TZODnmr2k5
I did not know this title was around until the this remaster was announced. But, since they made the old one available I don't mind paying for it. Was not expecting the old one to be included. Of course I will be playing the new one more but am glad I will be able to appreciate both versions. There are a good number of remasters that include the old versions and hope that Devs will consider (and continue) to do the same if they redo their games in the future. Thanks SNEG, et al. !
Post edited October 07, 2021 by allope
SCPM: Original owners get the new version free, that's awesome! And kudos for making the legacy version available to new buyers as well. But how do we get the new version, will it be added to our accounts automatically?
Edit: Yup, it's been added to my account automatically. :)
As a owner of original game, I agree, this is awesome.
Right on!

With the original in the package, there are a fair number of textures / graphics and gore mods. It looks like the mods may be a bigger improvement than the remaster. But...

... great to have this here. Have waited many years for this return!

Now, if you can just get the Vietcong series! ;)
kai2: It looks like the mods may be a bigger improvement than the remaster.
This is not the remaster. It is the re-release, with a compatibility update. It's even clearly written in the announcement.
Thank you very much for bringing this game back. It was instant buy. I spent houndreds of hours playing this game. One of the best fantasy games I've ever played.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by jaxfrings
Huh. I totally missed they made a demo for this re-release. I suppose I shall give it a try since I'm not sure whether the game might be too hardcore for me as it's supposed to be a toughie.
I can't believe I didn't own the original on GOG already, since I have the boxed version sitting right here, and any time GOG gets a game I already own in a box, I just automatically buy it. Does anybody know what the story is/was on the original game? Was it here only for a short while or something? I just can't believe I missed it.

Anyway, it's all good now, because Insta-bought!

And thanks to whoever made the decision to include the original game in this release!
<obligational congratulatory message on sensationally fave game>

Well done to all involved, cracking good news!
Thanks for the freebie, GOG and Rebel Act Studios, Fire Falcom, General Arcade / SNEG :)
Post edited October 08, 2021 by dyscode
Please add a soundtrack (lossless if possible) dlc so people who got it for free can support this release by purchasing it.
Thanks for bringing the current and Legacy versions to the store, always nice to have a choice or at least be able to experience the original incarnation.
Cool re-release! One of the hardest melee combat games there is, but worth it!

Memorable soundtrack too:
Post edited October 08, 2021 by shmerl