GothikOrk: Why have you doomed us to another 4-8 years of more of the same BS?
Because it's preparation for the Elisabeth Warren ticket, of course, that will turn up some time after the next nuclear war.
Seriously, though - my money would be on the same excuse that gave us Bush, a "sense of continuity" at the foreign department... and a series of undersecretaries in the US taking a black marker, glue and scissors, and liters of whiteout to the constitution. To give you a king, basically, and making torture legal, and legislating indefinite detention without charge or due process. While then actually pulling off the feat that the only ones to then get repudiated afterwards were the whistleblowers and journalists who attempted to tell people how this all happened.
The excuse being, on both sides: I don't give a fuck, because I literally think that the world works just like in a Hollywood movie.